In June 1938, in the first issue of the American "Action Comics", a man wearing a blue tights and a red cape appeared. In the book "Behind the Scenes: Visits to the Studios of World-Class Cartoonists", British writer Joel Meadows takes us to visit the studios of 18 cartoonist mas

2024/06/0300:14:34 erciyuan 1212

In June 1938, in the first issue of the American

Designated illustrators by the three giants of American comics, winners of the "Oscars in the Comics Industry", and original storyboard artists for international first-line animation brands... They have won important titles. Their characters are popular all over the world, but they themselves live in seclusion behind the scenes and are rarely known to anyone. .

When you see the messy schedules and look at the workplaces of these artists, you will understand that there is no trick to creating good comics, and there is no magic computer program that can turn things into magic. special brush.

Sean. Martin Blow lives in Washington, DC, USA. He switched from an inker to the field of line drawing. He not only drew the "Detective Comics" series for DC, but also created "Luke. Cage: Shadow" and "Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man."

His home studio has a drafting table facing a flat-screen TV. He is a lover of movies and TV series and has many movie posters hanging on the walls of his studio. While painting, he would play some TV series or movies to give himself a visual reference.

There are two wooden pegboards next to the drawing table, and he will hang the inner pages of the completed comics on them to maintain the continuity of the story. He starts working at 9 a.m. every day and is often busy until 1 a.m.

He likes to compare the comic creation process to an assembly line. The screenwriter sends the script, and he creates based on the script. Then the wordsmith adds speech bubbles, narration, and sound effects, and the colorist colors the black and white line drawing. A week or two after completing all the processes, an comic book is published.

Sean. Phillips is one of the most respected British cartoonists and illustrators. He started his career drawing Crisis and has drawn almost every major character for a major British comic company.

In June 1938, in the first issue of the American

His creative method is generally to clarify the narrative first, and then use pencil to draw line drawings. One page of line drawing takes about an hour, and then another five or six hours to ink the lines, and then a collaborator will do the coloring process to make the picture look better.

takes less time to draw digitally. However, when the picture is large or there are too many characters, he still uses traditional hand drawing.

Normally, he works 5 days a week. I get to the studio at 8:30 or 9 in the morning and work until about 7 in the evening.

His creative schedule is very regular. He usually makes thumbnails of pages on Monday morning, and spends the afternoon selecting reference photos, such as buildings, cars or anything to draw.

Then build the page, including the frame border, dialogue bubble box, and crossword. In the next four days, I drew line drawings digitally, and made about two pages of comics every day.

Percy Symonds lives in London. She is one of the most respected newspaper illustrators in the industry and the only woman among the 18 cartoonists.

She mainly works in the field of social satirical cartoons. She claims to be from the pre-computer era and prefers to draw with pens, pencils and brushes, and her painting style is very delicate.

When creating the comic strip "The New Madame Bovary", he first started with a black and white comic, first drew a line draft and then added ink lines, and then added gouache, watercolor, crayon, and some small brushstrokes.

In June 1938, in the first issue of the American

Her creative time is generally from 9 am to 7:30 pm every day. Due to spinal injury, she cannot sit for long periods of time and has to stand up and walk every ten minutes.

During the painting process, she would read the narration to herself, write the dialogue on the drawing board, and then draw sketches of the characters' clothing, locations, scenes, props and weather, and then repeatedly modify the dialogue to make it more concise.

Frozen Three Feet did not freeze in a day. Although the idea of ​​KitKat comes from their creativity and inspiration, they spend a lot of time sitting in front of the hand-drawn screen or computer screen, dealing with thousands of small problems, just to make the picture appear in the picture. Those elements look more alive...that's how the masters of comics make their magic come true.

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