This song "Early Departure from Baidi City" by Li Bai describes the scenery of the Three Gorges. In 1998, I took a boat from Chongqing to Wuhan, passed by Fengdu, and took this photo at the foot of a famous mountain. I was only 26 years old at the time and still Not married, 50 y

2024/06/3008:17:32 beauty 1431

This song

Chao Ci Ci Baidi Caiyunjian , Thousands of miles to Jiangling returned in one day.

The apes on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can't stop crying, and the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains.

This song "Early Departure from Baidi City " by Li Bai describes the scenery of the Three Gorges . In 1998, I took a boat from Chongqing to Wuhan, passed by Fengdu, and took this photo at the foot of a famous mountain. I was only 26 years old at that time and not married yet. I am 50 years old this year. The photo was taken 24 years ago. It should be regarded as a nostalgic photo.

This song

The boat I took was the one used for filming "The Last Murder of a Lover". It was called the Yangtze Princess. When I boarded the boat in Chongqing, it was the number one cruise ship on the Yangtze River because it had a swimming pool. , and a Texas Hold'em poker machine that was rare at the time. However, when it arrived in Wuhan, this ship became the second largest ship on the Yangtze River because the Blue Whale was ranked first.

This song

But what my Lord is talking about is when I was in Fengdu, I got off the boat and visited a famous mountain. This famous mountain is the mountain where Fengdu is located. It is called Mingshan. There is a stone tablet at the foot of the mountain. The locals say it is very efficacious. You close your eyes and turn three times. circle, and then touch the stone tablet. The word you touch is your "destiny".

This song

You can see clearly in the picture above. At that time, my senior brother touched it first, but there was an episode. He turned around three times and did not touch the stone tablet. When he touched my senior sister's breasts, she was shocked. Then he touched it again and touched the obscene word "the leader of all kinds of evil". It was really effective. Fortunately, my senior brother and senior sister got married.

This song

I don't think so. When I got it, it was a pity that I touched ten thousand words. If I moved my fingertips forward, it would be one hundred words, which would be one million. Then my destiny was to be a millionaire. Unfortunately, it was only ten thousand. Now that I think about it, it is quite right. , life is always swaying above 10,000, and when it does not exceed one million, the most amazing thing is that when it reaches Toutiao, it will stop moving after reaching 10,000 followers.

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