There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin

2024/06/2214:31:33 beauty 1793

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

There will be a super moon every once in a while

No, the super moon is coming again in 2022

In the past two days many friends will show off the moon in their circle of friends

Most of them are like this

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

Bare moon photo It seems monotonous, and posting in Moments is bland. Today, I will teach you some tips for taking pictures of the moon that you can quickly learn to make your super moon stand out in your circle of friends.

Preparation before shooting

Choosing the right timing and location is half the success

① Shooting time

Ordinary people take pictures of the moon casually. The background of the moon is monotonous black and lacks a sense of atmosphere.

Students who read this article, you must know that the best time to take pictures of the moon is within 20 to 30 minutes after sunset. During this time, the sky will appear blue, forming a perfect match with the bright moon. Beautiful artistic conception.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

©Zhong Hai | Honor 30 Pro

② How to know the blues moment

In order to more accurately grasp the moonrise and sunset time, we can download a "Qiaoshot Live Edition" APP, using this APP you can clearly check the specific moonrise and sunset at your location time.

For example, in the screenshot below, the blues moment occurs at 18:51, which is the best time of day to take pictures of the moon.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

③ How to choose the shooting position

When shooting the moon, it pays attention to the time, location, and people. The so-called "convenient location" is the choice of shooting location.

In the App, we can see that each time period has the approximate direction of the moon. For example, the screenshot below shows that the moon is at the position of "due south by east" at 18:51, so our shooting position You should choose the direction of "true north and west".

Choose the right camera position, and your moon photos have surpassed 50% of your friends!

Why is the choice of camera location important? Below we will explain it to you through some cases.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

Photography Tips

Many friends like to use 60x telephoto to shoot the moon. There is nothing wrong with this operation, but the resulting picture will be relatively single, no different from the moon photos taken by other friends.

The correct operation is to combine the moon with the scenery on the ground to create. You can refer to the following methods:


Contrast method

① Size contrast

Mobile phones don’t have long guns and short guns. The moon is usually photographed smaller, but we You can use the large and small contrast method to shoot. This method is suitable for students who do not have a telephoto phone.

The most important point is: Look for a large area of ​​foreground to fill the picture. Pay attention to the color of the foreground to be as simple as possible, so that the petite moon can be better highlighted.

To further highlight the “bigness” of the foreground, you can choose to shoot with a super wide angle. ultra-wide angle has a "large near and small" perspective effect. The part close to the lens will be enlarged, which can better emphasize the foreground part of the picture.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

©Tang Hebiao | HUAWEI P40 Pro+

② Spatial contrast

Ultra-wide-angle can be used to emphasize the "contrast of size", while telephoto can "compress" the moon and buildings thousands of miles away into one picture.

The sky is simple blue, so we can find a building with simpler colors and shoot with 5x or 10x zoom. You can use a symmetrical composition, half the moon and half the building.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

©HUAWEI P40 Pro | Lu Lianyu

③ Virtual and real contrast

The third contrast method is to take pictures using the relationship between the characters and the moon.

Specific operations: Turn on the professional mode of the mobile phone, switch to 2x medium focus, use manual focus (AF), slide the focus point to the right, and lock the focus on the moon in the distance. At this time, people close to the lens will appear The effect is blurred, while the moon in the distance is in focus.

The virtual and real structure before and after will add a lot of artistic conception to the picture. If you add some graininess to the photo later, it will have a film-like feel.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews


Combining movement and stillness

Taking pictures of the moon alone will look monotonous and serious. You can try to combine movement and stillness to make the picture more interesting.

① Combined with plants

, look for branches and flowers as the foreground of the picture, and adopt an upward-looking composition. It is best to fix the mobile phone on a tripod to ensure the stability of the mobile phone.

Specific operation: Take vivo X70 Pro+ as an example, turn on the time slow door mode - Waterfall - click on the upper right corner to select an exposure time of 4-8 seconds, and click to shoot.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

② Use clouds

If you encounter a sky with flowing clouds, you can also turn on the time slowdown function. Set the shutter time to 8-10 seconds, and you can take photos of moving clouds and the moon that combine movement and stillness.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

③ Use airplanes

In addition to the clouds moving in the sky, there are also airplanes flying by from time to time. You can wait for the moment the airplane flies by and quickly capture it.

Shooting airplanes requires a faster shutter time, so it is recommended to use the main camera for shooting. Because the same exposure time is used, the image quality captured by the main camera will be higher.

If you cannot capture quickly in normal mode, it is recommended to turn on professional mode and reduce the shutter time to shoot.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

©Guan Xiaopeng | vivo

① Using the frame

frame composition can eliminate debris and allow the audience’s interest to focus on the main subject in the frame for the first time.

We can look for some spaces with frame structures as foregrounds, which can be doors, windows, billboards, or space frames formed by walls, etc.

Selecting telephoto shooting can better compress the distance between the foreground and the background. The focus point can be selected on the moon in the distance, and the exposure compensation can be reduced to present better picture details.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

② Use branches

Dead branches will give people a feeling of loneliness. When taking pictures of the moon, you can use dead branches as the foreground to enhance the atmosphere.

In order to better create this lonely atmosphere, we can open the professional mode and adjust the white balance toward blue to make the sky bluer. It should be noted that the white balance cannot be too "blue", otherwise it will look a bit false.

Because the branches grow upward, it is better to choose a vertical composition for the composition, so that the moon will have a sense of space "hanging on the branches".

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

©Tang Hebiao | HUAWEI P40 Pro+

③ Use landmark buildings

Every city has landmark buildings. Combining the moon and landmark buildings for shooting can better heighten the atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

For example, when shooting the Shanghai Tower with a total height of 632 meters, we can use 10x zoom to shoot. The focus point is on the main body of the building, and the moon appears as a foil.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

Note that the longer the focal length, the bigger the moon will be, but the corresponding part of the main building will be photographed. Therefore, if you use a 10x zoom to shoot, you have to stay far enough away from the main body of the building to capture a more complete main body of the building.

There will be a super moon every once in a while. No, the super moon is coming again in 2022. In the past two days, many friends will post pictures of the moon on WeChat. Most of them are like this. The bare moon photos are a bit monotonous, and posting on WeChat is bland. Nothin - DayDayNews

The picture quality of the mobile phone is certainly not comparable to that of a professional SLR telephoto, but the multiple cameras and intelligent operation mode of the mobile phone give us greater convenience in creation and more freedom in scene selection.

For mobile phone users, taking pictures of the moon is not about comparing who can take a clear picture of the moon, but whether the photographer can cleverly combine some foregrounds and shooting techniques to create a more artistic moon. This article provides some shooting ideas, I believe you all Can take more wonderful photos!

Okay, the above is all the content shared today. If you think this article is helpful to you, please forward it, please read it, and please like it!

pays attention to mobile photography and will share with you useful information on mobile photography every day!

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