This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo

2024/07/0121:56:33 beauty 1914

This article focuses on how to take pictures with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras.

Follow Liu Shimo, you will definitely gain something

Our community has done a good job in greening. There are more than a dozen kinds of ornamental trees. Although I don’t take pictures, I can’t remember what kind of flowers they are... The small grass flowers in the yard are There are more, I haven’t counted them in detail, but they will bloom when the season comes.

The only drawback in our community is the large number of people. Therefore, when some flowers are still in bud, they have already been picked back by uncles and aunts for cooking... For example, Shi Mo wants to introduce to you the daylily .

was originally supposed to be the protagonist who just appeared on the stage, but he just finished the prologue and ended the curtain call - because Hemerocallis fulva has a very down-to-earth nickname, called " daylily ".

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Strictly speaking, daylily should belong to one of the day lilies.

Hemerocallis is also called forgetwort . There are many varieties with different colors. Hemerocallis commonly grown on the market are orange in color. Mainly for viewing, because it contains colchicine , it is not suitable for consumption.

In fact, whether it is daylily or daylily, for photography enthusiasts, the shooting methods are similar.

changed picking flowers to photographing flowers, leaving the poetry of day lily, so that others can enjoy this beauty!

follows Shi Mo to learn photography. Likes, favorites and reposts are welcome.

is also welcome to click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the article and continue to click "Appreciation".

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews


Picture 1

The photography background should be as clean as possible

The leaves of Hemerocallis fulva are long and narrow and green, and the flowers are usually warm orange. This kind of color combination can easily highlight the subject of photography.

However, daylilies are usually planted in flower beds, and they bloom in a large area. The long and narrow leaves are lush and green, and the lines are very obvious. If you take a clear picture of the flowers and leaves, there will be a lot of lines in the photo and it will look messy.

Therefore, when we shoot daylilies, it is best to make the photography background cleaner -

1, use a large aperture to shoot a blurred photography background,

2, use spot metering to shoot a dark photography background.

When the photography background is "purified", the photos will look more eye-catching and more advanced.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Picture 2

Does this Hemerocallis photo look good? The background is simple and the subject stands out. The combination of red and green is very eye-catching!

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Picture 3

But it is possible that the shooting environment is like this...

So it is necessary to refine the photography background.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Picture 4

How to take pictures of flowers with a black background on a mobile phone?

Black is a solemn and solemn color. When taking photos of flowers, if you use a dark black background as a background, the photos will appear to be high-end and high-end, and the style of the flowers will also be improved!

So, how to take a dark photography background with your mobile phone?

1. First, you need to choose flowers whose petals are illuminated by light as the subject of photography.

This one is very important because we need to use spot metering to increase the contrast between light and dark in the photo.

2. Then, use a place not illuminated by light as the photography background.

Remember that there is light on the subject of the photo, but no light on the background of the photo - in this way, a clear contrast between light and dark can be formed.

3. Next, place the metering point on the brighter part of the petals.

Use the "bright part" metering on the flower, and the background will naturally darken.

If you feel that the background is not dark enough, then adjust the exposure compensation.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Picture 5

This is the daylily that I took. The left side is the comparison picture. It is the kind that is taken directly by picking up the mobile phone, fully automatic fool mode; the right side of

is the black background that I took at the same position using spot metering. The original image has not been retouched.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 6

I put the metering point on the tallest flower - because the flower is illuminated by light; and its background has no light.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 7

You can also slightly adjust the shooting angle, and you can also shoot a black background.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 8

The exposure compensation of Huawei mobile phone is relatively easy to find. Because it's all on the surface.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 8-2

Click the screen first, and a small box with a "little sun" logo will appear - this is the light metering point. Remember to place it on the bright petals;

then go down and swipe the screen - that is, reduce the exposure compensation. You can then take photos of flowers with a dark background.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 9

How to adjust exposure compensation on iPhone? There are two methods.

One is to click on the "little sun" on the screen to adjust exposure compensation like Huawei mobile phones;

The other is to find the "±" symbol in the camera function of the phone, as shown in Figure 9. Adjust exposure compensation.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 9-2

My habit of taking pictures is to pull the "little sun" on the screen and adjust it directly. If you want the background to be darker, pull down harder.

Because I think it’s a bit tedious to find the “±” flag from the camera settings. How come it saves trouble!

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Picture 10

How to blur the background when taking pictures with a mobile phone?

shoots with a wide aperture.

Today’s smartphones all have large aperture functions. Because everyone likes the effect of blurring the background of photography, the large aperture of mobile phones is a necessity for consumers. Even a mobile phone costing several hundred yuan must have this function. Although the effect may be inferior, it must have it... otherwise it won't be sold.

Use your mobile phone to take photos of flowers with a blurred background. It only takes two steps. It’s very simple.

1. Put the focus on the flowers. The single-petaled flowers face the stamens, and the double-petaled flowers face the flower core.

Hemerocallis is a single-petaled flower, so just focus on the stamens.

2. Open the aperture wide and reduce the depth of field.

If the blur effect of your mobile phone is not that good, then use a farther place as the background. Create a distance between your subject and the background, and create a blurred background effect.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 11

The large aperture of Huawei mobile phone is on the bright surface. When taking a photo, open the camera of the phone and swipe left to find the large aperture.

and then adjust the aperture value.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 12

The aperture of the Apple phone is hidden in the portrait mode. as the picture shows.

I just feel that although Apple phones have many functions, the opening path will be more cumbersome - so my dad and my mom don't like to use and Apple .

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 12-2

The size of the aperture and the number are opposite - the larger the aperture, the smaller the number; the smaller the aperture, the larger the number.

If you want the effect of a large aperture, turn the number down. The effect of bokeh is very obvious.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 13

By the way, black background and blurred background can be used at the same time. There is no conflict.

However, because the background is blackened, the blurring effect is not so obvious.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Figure 14

When taking pictures with your mobile phone, don’t just press the round lump in the middle. When you have nothing to do, check your camera settings more often - don’t worry, it won’t break.

You will find many surprises.

This article focuses on how to take photos with your mobile phone. However, the photography techniques introduced in this article can also be used with cameras. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, and you will definitely gain something. The greening of our community is good. There are mo - DayDayNews

Picture 15

You need to use your brain more when taking pictures. Pay attention to Liu Shimo, you will benefit a lot!

Read Shimo’s comments and make a little progress every day!

welcome to collect, welcome to forward, welcome to like, welcome to leave a message!

You can also upload photos to communicate and share shooting experiences.

also welcomes compliments, the more the merrier.

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