Internationally renowned photographers and media people walked into Jianmenguan Scenic Area. Photo by Miao Zhiyong, China News Service, Guangyuan, July 15 (Yao Xinyu) "Although it is very hot today, the scenery here is beautiful. I would recommend everyone to come here to see it.

2024/07/0103:24:32 beauty 1597
Internationally renowned photographers and media people walked into Jianmenguan Scenic Area. Photo by Miao Zhiyong, China News Service, Guangyuan, July 15 (Yao Xinyu)

Internationally renowned photographers and media people walked into Jianmenguan Scenic Area. Photo by Miao Zhiyong

China News Service Guangyuan July 15th (Yao Xinyu) "Although it is very hot today, the scenery here is beautiful. I would recommend everyone to come here to see it. It will definitely make your time worthwhile." OK." On the 15th, after boarding the Jianmen Pass scenic spot in " Shixian" "The Road to Shu is Difficult" "The Road to Shu is Difficult", "The sword pavilion is majestic and Cui Wei, one man can guard the pass, but ten thousand people cannot open it". Long Qi, an international media person and Canadian photographer who came here for the first time, praised this.

On July 15, the "Photography Tour of China's Great Shu Road ·2022 International Media Personnel Guangyuan Tour" entered Jiange. International media people and well-known photographers went to Jianmenguan Scenic Area, Cuiyun Corridor, Horse Barrier Wall and other places to experience the unique charm of Jianmen Shu Road.

Jianmenguan Scenic Area is located in Jiange County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province. It integrates ancient roads, ancient passes, and ancient cypresses. It is majestic, dangerous, strange, and beautiful. It is known as the "throat of two Sichuan and the barrier of northern Sichuan." Jianmen Pass is also the only pass in Chinese history that has never been attacked frontally.

Internationally renowned photographers and media people walked into Jianmenguan Scenic Area. Photo by Miao Zhiyong, China News Service, Guangyuan, July 15 (Yao Xinyu)

Internationally renowned photographers and media people walked into Cuiyunlang Scenic Area located in Guangyuan Jiange. Photo by Miao Zhiyong

Jianmen Shu Road has a long history, which began in the Western Zhou and spans more than 3,000 years. There are still many ancient bridges, ancient buildings, ancient inscriptions, ancient temples, ancient city sites, street trees and other precious cultural relics left. It is the earliest, longest-used and best-preserved artificial ancient post road in the history of ancient Chinese transportation roads. , known as "a living fossil in the history of world land transportation".

"This is my second time here. In fact, the feeling this time is deeper than the last time. As an international media person, I hope to share the beautiful mountains, rivers and scenery of Jiange to let more people know about this place." Arriving at Jianmen Guanguan Tower, Zhang Liang, president of the World Calligraphers and Painters Newspaper, sighed.

html On the afternoon of the 115th, international media people and well-known photographers came to Cuiyun Gallery and Barrier to collect photos. The Cuiyun Corridor is full of greenery and the ancient roads are secluded. Today, there are 7803 ancient cypress trees along the Cuiyun Corridor Post Road in Jiange. Because of its characteristics of "ancient roads, ancient trees and ancient facilities", it has the reputation of "the most ancient road in the world".

Internationally renowned photographers and media people walked into Jianmenguan Scenic Area. Photo by Miao Zhiyong, China News Service, Guangyuan, July 15 (Yao Xinyu)

A photographer takes photos in Jianmenguan Scenic Area. Photographed by Yao Xinyu

Cuiyunlang contains rich tourism resources, natural resources and biological resources. Scientists call ancient cypress "forest fossils", cultural relic experts regard it as "the soul of Shu" and "national treasure", literati and poets call it "the Great Green Wall", and foreign experts praise it as "unparalleled wonder in the world".

After arriving at Cuiyun Gallery, Doupas Georgio, an international media person and Greek photographer, couldn't help but admire the beautiful scenery here. "I like the ancient trees and ancient roads here very much. I can feel that the history is very long. I also took a lot of good photos today!"

It is understood that the horse blocking wall and the ancient threshold stones and anti-slip lines remaining on the nearby ancient Shu road, Road facilities such as street trees, drinking manger , and horse-tying stones are precious relics and historical witnesses of the ancient ancestors' road-building skills on Shu roads.

Since ancient times, Shu Mountain has been steep. It is said that Zhang Fei, a fierce general of the Shu Han Dynasty, went to the Central Plains, but his messenger stumbled and fell off a cliff. In order to prevent the accident from happening again and delaying the military aircraft, the soldiers were ordered to build walls to block the horses at dangerous places on the post roads to ensure the safety of the march. This is how the "horse blocking wall" came into being.

After experiencing the rich history of the Shu Road at the blocking wall, Long Qi made a video call to his friends in Canada to show them the beauty of the ancient Shu Road and strongly recommended that they must come to Sichuan, China if they have the opportunity in the future. Take a walk along the Shu Road and take a look. (End)

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