Looking at the pulse during pregnancy means looking at the "Huamai". Young and middle-aged people may also have this type of pulse.

Author: Wen / Yu child of

finished, accidentally became pregnant, the pulse can know pregnant? Is it so amazing? What kind of scientific principle is this? It may be difficult for many people to understand this problem, including now that we can also see this situation. Of course, most of them appear in Chinese medicine halls.

So taking the pulse is not only to judge and diagnose problems such as happy pulse, but also to play a certain role in seeing a doctor. There must be something strange in this, otherwise many people may not believe this problem. In fact, the pulse is just as it is in Western medicine. "Stethoscope", the principles of these two modes are relatively similar.

What is the pulse and how to judge it?

refers to pulse cutting, which is a unique method of pulse diagnosis in Chinese medicine, and it has been used for more than two thousand years. Chinese medicine doctors directly diagnose diseases based on pulse conditions or diagnose Ximai as we mentioned above. This is a set of Chinese medicine. The theoretical system is also unique to the world and cannot be used in Western medicine. The way to judge the pulse is based on the change of pulse condition.

According to modern pulse condition studies, the formation of pulse condition mainly depends on the function of the heart, the function of blood vessels, and the quality and quantity of blood.

So as long as these aspects are changed, a change in the pulse condition will be formed, which is a bit like "diagnosis in space", so there are many "inaccuracy" factors in the pulse condition objectively, including the "stethoscope" Generally, there are also uncertain factors, and there is no guarantee that it will be 100%.

At the same time, there are roughly 28 kinds of pulse conditions in the human body. Each pulse condition is a reflection of human body functions, so it can be regarded as a biological information transmission phenomenon in the human body. This is the basis for judging the pulse, which is to judge the changes in the body by one-to-one correspondence with changes in the pulse condition. What is the principle of

to diagnose the west vein?

First of all, we know that when diagnosing the pulse, the clinic mainly uses the "cunkou diagnosis method", that is, cutting the posterior part of the patient's radial artery. The main basis is that there are two. The first is that Cunkou is the circulation part of the Taiyin Lung Meridian of the hand, and the Taiyuan acupoint above it is the place where the pulse meets, so there is a saying that the pulse meets Taiyuan.

The second is the condition where the hand Taiyin lung meridian also originates from the function of Zhongjiao Shou. Therefore, the ups and downs of qi and blood in the body's viscera, meridians, and collaterals can be reflected in the Cunkou pulse.

and the diagnosis of Ximai is also a unique diagnosis and treatment method formed by traditional Chinese medicine after thousands of years of accumulation and precipitation. The pulse condition is generally divided into Ping pulse, floating pulse, Shen pulse, delayed pulse, several pulse, virtual pulse, solid pulse, Hua pulse, Hong pulse, thin pulse, Xuan pulse, promoting pulse, knotting pulse, and replacing pulse. Normal pulse conditions are also known as Ping mai, Chang mai, and pregnancy pulse conditions-usually referred to as Xi mai is Hua mai.

Therefore, if you know that a woman has a slippery pulse, you can judge that there is a certain probability that it is pregnant. If the slippery pulse appears, such signs will appear, it is like a row of bubbles, or a small iron ball passes through the pulse in turn The ring finger, middle finger and index finger of the reader are faster, one after another. The main reason for

is that after a woman is pregnant, the blood flow in the body increases by more than 20% than usual, so it makes a judgment. However, Huamai is not necessarily pregnant, so this method of diagnosing Ximai lacks some practical explanations. Therefore, it is recommended to check whether it is really pregnant or not, so that it can be confirmed by modern medicine.

Why is the diagnosis of happi, not necessarily pregnancy?

According to scientific research findings, in addition to pregnancy, Huamai may also occur under normal conditions or certain diseases, so the appearance of Huamai is not necessarily pregnant. At the same time, the young and middle-aged have a strong blood and energy, and it may also be a slippery pulse. Is it impossible to say "a man is pregnant"?

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a man to become pregnant, so we said above, to make sure that the pregnancy is not pregnant, it is necessary to use modern medicine to confirm the result, and confirm the result through safe, scientific and effective instruments.

Of course, the diagnosis of pregnancy by traditional Chinese medicine can not only rely on the pulse, but requires the cooperation of "watching, smelling and asking" to explain, so the factors are very complicated, and most people may also know that we often see a person appearing." It’s also easy to misunderstand that it’s pregnancyHowever, in many cases it may be caused by physical reasons, so there is a certain degree of inaccuracies. There is also a strange saying, that is to say that the pulse can be seen between men and women? This statement of

has been recorded in Chinese classical medical books. It is believed that if the pulse of "inch" is more obvious than others, then the child is pregnant, otherwise the probability of having a daughter is greater. However, even some veteran experts in traditional Chinese medicine cannot be sure of this statement. There is a certain degree of controversy. Therefore, this method is not reliable and there is no definite answer.

But having said that, modern medicine is so advanced, if you really want to be 100% confirmed, it may still be more likely to rely on modern medicine for judgment, so look at this issue according to your own situation, and for TV drama The demonstration shows that you can know pregnancy in a few seconds by taking the pulse, which is obviously a great exaggeration.