Is it hard to control children running around? Parents make these 3 preparations to help children prevent "potential danger"

Parents who take their children out to play with

should all encounter such a situation, every time the child goes out, the child runs around like a wild horse without the rein. Children often run in front and adults are chasing after. It takes a long time for to catch up with the children. It’s okay if there is no danger. If the child accidentally falls down during a crazy run, or is hit by a car, it’s too late to regret it.

A good friend of mine recently discussed with me the situation of his children running wild as soon as they go out. His family is a boy, and the child's personality is very lively. Every time he takes his child out to , the parents can't wait to tie him to his body , otherwise there will be no one in a while. The child's behavior makes friends very worried, but no matter how you tell your child that you can't run around after going out, the child can't remember it.

You must know that children running around is a very dangerous thing. It's okay for a child to bump into it, but if you are not with your parents, you will regret it if you are caught by some criminals. Therefore, when taking their children outside, parents must correct the children’s uncontrollable problems when they go out, so that the children can grow up safely while playing outdoors.

Parents make these 4 preparations to help their children prevent "potential danger"

1. Make an appointment with their children before going out

to avoid children running out of chaos, parents can make an agreement with their children before going out, such as telling children After going out, you can’t go wherever you want, and you can’t let go of the hands of the parents, tell your children which behaviors are wrong and where they can’t go. Before going out, must reach an agreement with the child , and only after the child agrees to take the child out to play.

Parents also need to tell their children why they don’t let him go, and clearly tell their children that if they are not with their mothers, they may be taken away by bad guys, and the mothers will be very anxious if they cannot find the children. Let the child feel that his parents will worry about because of his own running around, and tell the child in such a straightforward way that the child can be honest with his parents and not walk around.

2. Cultivate children's safety awareness

Let children play safely outside, the most effective way is to cultivate children's safety awareness, Only when children truly realize the danger, can they consciously not do some dangerous things. Parents should share common knowledge in life with their children. For example, teach children to share common sense, learn to observe traffic lights when walking, and not to cross the road. allows children to understand which behaviors will bring danger to themselves, so as to block the child's potential danger from the root cause.

3. Parents should always pay attention to their children's movements

Many cases of children getting lost, most of them are caused by the negligence of the parents. Sometimes a parent who does not pay attention to lowers his head to play on the phone or chat with friends, children may be in danger. Therefore, when parents take their children out to play, they must always pay attention to their children’s behaviors and trends, and keep the children within their sight, so that even if the children are in any situation, the parents can react immediately to avoid the children. accident.

And when parents take their children out, they must put all their attention on the children. Don't always have a fluke mentality, watching children requires parents not to slip away for a minute, sometimes just a Kung Fu child who turns around is in danger. Taking children out to play is a normal thing, but before going out, parents must put an end to the phenomenon of children running around as soon as they go out, and letting children play safely outside is the happiest childhood for children.