Why do some people have serious morning sickness and some people do not have morning sickness? There are 3 reasons, it has nothing to do with the sex of the fetus

A few days ago, Sister Sun found out that she was pregnant. This is already the third child. The first two children are daughters, but both the mother-in-law and husband especially want a son. This is the only way to go to kindergarten in BMW. The older sister was again under the weight of her in-laws and husband, and got three children. Pregnancy was originally a happy thing. My mother-in-law also came to help me from my hometown, but I saw that my grandson had severe morning sickness every day. She couldn't eat any food, and she vomited sour water. Not only did she not feel distressed, but she was also very dissatisfied. Now, why is it a girl movie again, let's stream it.

Originally there was a rumor in the mother-in-law’s home that it was the daughter who suffered severe morning sickness in the first trimester, and the son who suffered from infertility. The grandson had both morning sickness in the first two pregnancies and both were daughters. So the mother-in-law firmly believed that the third child was also a girl, and she had the wish of her grandson. Unable to achieve it again, Sister Sun hurried away and needed a son after she got herself up.

Now my children and grandchildren are not happy. I didn’t plan to have children. You urged them one by one. When the children are there, and they dislike being girls, I can tell you that I will keep this child no matter whether it is a boy or a girl. No, don’t think about my rebirth, love life, let you find life, let me see who dares. The husband saw that he was about to fight, and hurriedly sent the mother-in-law back to her hometown, and took her mother-in-law who had just returned home a few days ago, and continued to take care of the child.

In fact, the same thing is not rare. In the first trimester, many friends were considered boys or girls because of morning sickness. At one time, they were depressed because the sex of the fetus did not match their wishes.

Dingma did not have morning sickness in the first trimester, but had a loss of appetite. My friends all said it was a boy. At that time, I wanted a girl. I was very depressed. I couldn't sleep at night until I gave birth. I really gave birth to a son. At the same time, a friend had very severe morning sickness in the first trimester, and lost 25 pounds during the first trimester. Everyone said it was a daughter, let alone a son. Therefore, this boy or girl has nothing to do with morning sickness. Don't judge the sex of the fetus based on the presence or absence of morning sickness and the degree of morning sickness.

Why do some people have severe morning sickness and some do not?

1. There is no specific reason for

caused by changes in hormone secretion in the body, but it is probably caused by many changes in the pregnant woman's body. The key is the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the pregnant woman's body in the early pregnancy. Caused by a rapid rise in levels. There are clinical cases showing that when pregnant women’s morning sickness is the most severe, it is also the time when the human body’s human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) level is highest, so it is believed that morning sickness is affected by human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).

In addition to human chorionic gonadotropin, the secretion of progesterone in pregnant women leads to changes in the secretion of hormones in the body, which can also lead to different early pregnancy reactions, such as morning sickness.

2. The severity of morning sickness depends on the personal physique of the pregnant woman.

Some pregnant women have increased sensitivity after pregnancy, such as the fish they usually eat. They feel normal and acceptable, but they can’t smell the fishy smell, but they are particularly sensitive to the fishy smell after pregnancy. , Feeling very strong, it will immediately cause nausea and vomiting; some pregnant women have weaker stomachs and poor health. After pregnancy, the secretion of progesterone changes, the stomach becomes more fragile, and vomiting occurs when eating some foods with a slightly heavy taste. In some serious cases, drinking water on an empty stomach can irritate the stomach and cause vomiting.

The spirit of pregnant women is also very important. Some pregnant women are frightened during the first trimester. They do not eat well and sleep well, and lack of sleep aggravates nausea, and if they are too stressed, they can also increase nausea. For example, some pregnant women hear the sound of crackling cooking in the kitchen. In fact, the kitchen is far away. The smell of oily smoke is invisible, but when they hear the crackling of cooking, they can indirectly imagine the smell of oily smoke, which leads to nausea and vomiting. . It's just that there are fewer cases of nausea and vomiting when you hear the sound, and more of it is caused by too much psychological pressure.

3. In addition, there are many reliable claims.

Some experts say that pregnant women’s nausea and vomiting is an instinct of the biological world to protect the fetus. This instinct allows pregnant women to detect various substances that may harm the fetus early and ensure these Substances cannot enter pregnant women to avoid harm to the fetus.

may also be the fetus delivering a message to the mother. Morning sickness usually occurs in the first trimester, up to about 4 months of pregnancy, and soon after the morning sickness disappears, the fetus begins to move; experts believe that during the first trimester, the fetus will not move and cannot remind the mother of her own existence and tell her to protect Good oneself,The mother can only be reminded by nausea and vomiting.

The most common fetal arrest in the first trimester can be found through morning sickness. In fact, fetal arrest is generally asymptomatic. However, when many pregnant women have fetal arrest, the symptoms of nausea and vomiting will stop. This means that everyone can be during pregnancy. Use morning sickness to prevent fetal arrest. If the severe morning sickness suddenly stops and disappears, it is recommended to seek medical advice to prevent fetal arrest. How to relieve morning sickness in early pregnancy?

Morning sickness in early pregnancy is a physiological phenomenon. Unless it is particularly serious, severe pregnancy vomiting, which affects normal life, you need to seek medical attention. Don't worry about other conditions. You can usually adjust your diet to relieve it.

1. Diet therapy: breakfast must be eaten, a lighter diet every day, a variety of heavy-tasting foods, fried and greasy foods are not to be eaten, as much as possible to maintain the original flavor of the food, so as not to stimulate the stomach and cause nausea and vomiting; Do not eat large foods. It is better to fish with fishy odors. When cooking, you must remove the fishy, ​​so as to prevent pregnant women from smelling fishy odors, increasing nausea and causing discomfort.

can relieve discomfort through some foods, such as plum juice, lemonade, ginger juice, etc. I personally feel that ginger juice is good, but ginger is not easy to eat, so as not to affect the healthy development of the fetus, you can cut 1 piece of coin-sized ginger every day , And then soak in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, take out the ginger, and add a little brown sugar to the regenerated ginger water.

3. Psychotherapy: The more you vomit during pregnancy, the more you are afraid, and then you feel nervous, nausea and vomiting will become more and more serious. Therefore, when nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, it is recommended to find something interesting to do, whether it is study, work, or watching TV It’s okay to follow the drama. It can divert pregnant women’s attention and forget about morning sickness. In fact, the best way is to go out and choose a place with good air and good environment, and go out for an outing with family or friends. Not only can you forget morning sickness, but also It can make the mood happy and relieve the morning sickness caused by stress.

Some pregnant women feel sick when they hear the sound of the kitchen. They can also watch a movie of interest with the doors and windows closed when they are cooking, so that they can’t hear the sound of the kitchen or smell the kitchen. Morning sickness caused by cooking.

3. Environmental therapy: After pregnancy, pregnant women are more sensitive to odors. Whether it is cooking smoke, second-hand smoke, gas, gasoline, etc., it will increase morning sickness, which requires the creation of a good environment for pregnant women Smoking is strictly prohibited indoors. Family members like to smoke. You can go outside and wait for the smell to dissipate. Then go home to wash your face, brush your teeth and change clothes. When you are with pregnant women, you must often open windows to keep the air fresh.

can wear a mask when going out, especially when taking the bus, the people are crowded, in addition to protecting yourself, you can also find a place by the window to sit down, open the window a little, can also slow down the inside of the car Morning sickness caused by poor air circulation.

4. Vitamin B6: Do not take medicine for morning sickness during pregnancy. You can eat some fruits rich in vitamins, or take vitamin B6 directly to relieve morning sickness. However, due to the different constitutions of each pregnant woman, if you want to take it, it is recommended to take it under the guidance of a doctor.

There are many different kinds of health care products on the market. They are so fascinating that they can treat even cancer, not to mention small morning sickness? Please note that these health products should not be eaten indiscriminately. They are three-point poisonous, and the toxicity of health products is not low. Long-term use may cause toxins to accumulate in pregnant women and affect the healthy development of the fetus. If morning sickness is particularly serious, go to the hospital for medical examination and seek help from a doctor. Do not buy a bunch of health care products yourself.

During pregnancy, you can also use these methods to avoid morning sickness

1. Breakfast must be eaten, eat as much as possible, mainly dry, do not drink water on an empty stomach, and take folic acid after meals;

2. Take it with you, For example, buns, toasted bread slices, nuts, etc., you need to dry some kind of stuffing your stomach, eat a little whenever you are hungry, it can also suppress nausea and relieve morning sickness;

3. Keep adequate sleep, know that sleep is good for a person It is very important. If you don’t get enough sleep, you will not only be dizzy, irritable, but also nauseous and vomiting;

4. Unless you have to stay in bed under special circumstances, pregnant women must exercise. Don’t stay in front of the computer for a long time, stay still in front of the TV and walk around. Walking, pounding the neck and back can all relieve the discomfort;

5. BedPutting an orange, lemon or pear on your head, and smelling it under your nose when you feel sick or unwell can alleviate the discomfort of morning sickness.

To sum up, the morning sickness during pregnancy is purely a normal physiological reaction, and it will generally slow down or disappear around 4 months of pregnancy, and has nothing to do with the gender of the fetus. The morning sickness of each woman in different parities is also different. This is used as a method to determine the sex of the fetus, so as not to cause psychological or physical harm to the mother.

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