Can't get pregnant for a long time? Master the following "one hit and hit" secrets and become parents easily

Wen|Good pregnant sister

has a friend next to her. She has been pregnant for a year, but her belly is still quiet. She said that once she was tested for "mind gray", the result was a "fraud" when she went to the hospital for a checkup. The doctor said that she wanted to get pregnant too much and came up with a "false pregnancy". Since then, my friend has become more anxious, always telling us that pregnancy is as easy as drinking cold water, and some don’t want to get pregnant, but it’s hard to get pregnant by yourself. I really want a baby. crazy.

Why are so many people unable to get pregnant for a long time? In fact, only by mastering the following "one hit and hit" secret can you become a parent easily.

Macroscopic control of physical condition before pregnancy

In fact, the most scientific way for couples to prepare for pregnancy is to have a macro grasp of the body before pregnancy. It is to do a comprehensive examination first to see if the body is healthy and whether there are any problems that are not conducive to pregnancy. If there is, get treatment in time, if not, get pregnant.

Of course, some may not be regarded as diseases, just like older couples, their reproductive function may be degraded and their bodies need to be adjusted. Some people who are too obese may need to lose weight and keep fit before getting pregnant. Only by macroscopically controlling the body can we break down some of the problems that affect pregnancy one by one, so as to increase the probability of "one hit is hit".

will calculate the ovulation period, and grasp the best timing of pregnancy

In addition, pregnancy also pays attention to "time". The so-called "time" means to calculate the ovulation period and grasp the best timing of pregnancy. You know, the female ovulation period is particularly important, because usually only ovulate once a month, if you miss it, you have to wait another month. Therefore, we must calculate the ovulation period. First of all, we must understand that 14 days before menstruation is ovulation day, and 5 days before and 4 days after ovulation is ovulation period. At this time, intimate contact between husband and wife can best increase the "winning rate".

Of course, this method is suitable for women with regular menstruation and ovulation. If the menstrual period is irregular, it is recommended to take care of it before getting pregnant. Or do ovulation monitoring in the hospital, and find out the ovulation period by yourself at home with test strips or temperature measurement. Some people say that 5-7 pm is the most suitable for pregnancy. At this time, the chance of pregnancy is high, but it also depends on the couple's time, so it is good to find the ovulation period without being too precise, otherwise it will increase the couple's psychological burden.

Maintain a happy state and easily "snap it with one hit"

Speaking of psychological burden, just like my friend mentioned above, in fact, there is nothing wrong with her body, and she can’t get pregnant for a long time and she can’t get rid of the anxiety and anxiety. relationship. Being too anxious will affect endocrine, leading to menstrual disorders, and even no ovulation at all. And men are too anxious, insomnia, and bad mood, which also affect endocrine and the state of intimate contact between husband and wife, and it is not conducive to pregnancy.

Therefore, keep a happy state, treat pregnancy as a natural thing, and don't put too much pressure on yourself and the other party, so that you can easily "snap hit". Z1z

netizens, have you mastered these "one hit and hit" secrets?


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