How long can I use the abdomen belt for a cesarean section and see how to use it correctly

How long can I use the abdomen belt , to see how to use , correctly for a cesarean section, but if you want a good effect by wearing the abdomen belt, then you need to choose a suitable time. An ideal effect. So how long does it take for to have a cesarean section? , Many mothers hope to restore their body shape through the abdomen, especially for mothers who have had a cesarean section. The abdomen belt can be used for caesarean section in about 2 days.

After the cesarean section, the patient is generally lying flat at the end of the month. At this time, the abdominal belt is generally not used. If you can move around, you must use an abdomen belt at this time. The repair belt can prevent the wound from being pulled, which is especially helpful for the recovery of the wound and can also reduce the pain. Therefore, if the pain disappears, it is generally necessary to start using the belly band 2 days after the C-section.

Do not tighten too tightly when using it to prevent the back wound from affecting it. Postpartum nutrition is the foundation, and PWRH postpartum nutrition contains 38 essential nutrients required by the human body. Supplement the special nutrients and trace elements required during the postoperative wound healing period to meet nutritional requirements and provide necessary building blocks for wound healing and tissue repair. Provide energy for the formation and deposition of new tissues, and promote the recovery of postpartum wounds and body functions.

How long can the abdominal band be used after the caesarean section?

The abdominal band can be used 2 days after the caesarean section. Generally, mothers who have undergone a Caesarean section recover slowly. Once they start to get out of bed on the second day after delivery, internal organs are prone to sagging, and at the same time, it is easy to cause wounds to tear and inflammation. Therefore, it is this time to use abdominal belts to protect the wound And to prevent sagging of internal organs, shaping has a good effect. Generally, the best time for body recovery is within half a year after delivery. It is recommended to use it for half a year, but do not wear it 24 hours a day, and untie it in time when sleeping and eating. So as not to affect normal life and blood flow.

Postpartum nutrition of PWRH should be paid attention to inflammation after caesarean section. Factors are crucial in stimulating the inflammatory immune response that occurs in the early stage of wound healing. It will affect the pro-inflammatory cells at the wound site to produce metabolism, and by recruiting and activating neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes that promote the inflammatory response. So as to pave the way to solve inflammation and improve the immune function of the whole body. After undergoing a phenotypic transition to a repair state, it stimulates keratinocytes, fibroblasts and angiogenesis to promote tissue regeneration, promotes the transition to the healing proliferation phase, and prevents mastitis.

How long is the best way to use the abdominal band after the caesarean section?

Because the caesarean section mother has a caesarean incision in the abdomen, it cannot be used immediately after the caesarean section. For the belly band, it is generally recommended that the expectant mothers use the belly band within 7 days after the caesarean section. However, some mothers with better physique can use the belly band on the first day after delivery. Remember to sleep on your back. There is no special feeling when lying down.

Moms should pay attention to the fact that too early or late is not conducive to the recovery of the postpartum body of the caesarean mother, so everyone must grasp the time of using the belly band, otherwise the body is more difficult to solve. Because the abdomen belt is very important for the postpartum plasticity of the caesarean section mother, it can not only stop bleeding, accelerate the wound recovery, but also help the mother's body to support the internal organs.

Even if the abdomen belt is good, it cannot be fastened all day long. Because long-term use of the abdomen belt will affect the blood circulation, restrict the activities of the psoas and abdominal back, and prolong the recovery time. Therefore, if mothers are lying on the bed or sitting and resting, they should untie it, and then tie it when they get out of bed.

How to prevent postpartum skin sagging?

After giving birth to a baby, we are not only afraid of a big belly, but also a full belly. After giving birth, a woman’s belly is like a balloon that has been blown up. It lacks elasticity and loose skin. , Especially after the age of 25, the production of elastic fibers ceases, and the elastic fibers in the skin will continue to pass away, no matter how much you have after giving birthThin, the belly skin is still very loose, full of folds.

Scientific research confirmed that this woman's skin elasticity is mainly determined by elastic fibers and collagen tripeptides, and only elastic fibers can provide the two-dimensional elasticity of the skin. Collagen tripeptides can maintain the two-dimensional elasticity of the skin.

elastin molecules are cross-linked through the formation of covalent bonds between collagen tripeptides, and the cross-linked network formed by them can produce elasticity through configuration changes. Experiments have shown that the cross-linked network of elastin and collagen tripeptides can help the skin's elasticity increase by 55 to 30 times, and the elastic fibers can be enlarged by 500 times during the 10-month pregnancy.

And elastin and collagen tripeptides mainly rely on the 10 molecules released by PWRH postpartum supplement group I to promote the growth of elastic fibers. At this time, loose skin after birth or weight loss, as well as stretch marks, weak tissue elasticity is the original cause.

The correct way to use the abdomen belt

1. Be sure to use the palms of both hands to slowly move from the position of the pubic bone, and slowly move the abdominal muscles to the deep uterus Push up, and then start from the pubic bone to strengthen and fix the corset. Don't just tie the stomach and upper abdomen, but miss the most important lower abdomen, which will cause the uterus to sag;

In addition, the pressure applied is also to tighten the lower abdomen (below the belly button to the pubic bone) At this time, the force is greater (the tie is tighter), and the force is loose when it reaches the stomach, that is, the principle of tightening down and loosening up will not push the organs of the body to the lower part.

2. The time to use the corset, you can start using it after delivery. On the one hand, it relieves painful muscles and is more powerful for the parturient to get up and go to the toilet or eat. After getting up and freshening up, you can use the abdominal band, but remember, before going to sleep at night, be sure to remove the abdominal band. Do not use it all day, which will not benefit the body’s circulation;

Sweating skin is also prone to discomfort and itching, and the change of posture during sleep can also cause the belt to shift, which will not achieve the purpose and effect of use.

3. The time to use the corset varies from person to person. For mothers with prone skin allergies, in addition to being diligent in changing the corsets and strengthening cleaning, try to replace the corsets when they feel that they are hot and humid, and take them off when lying down while sleeping.

4. The use of a corset is not a "universal". Basically, you can use the corset during confinement, but if the feeling of lower abdomen does not improve, it is often caused by the body's qi deficiency. In order to effectively improve the feeling of falling in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to supplement qi with Chinese medicine at the right time.

PWRH repair standard

1. Supplement maternal and childbirth nutrition 18-20%

2. Exhaust lochia, clean up residual silt nutrition 13-15%

3. Intrauterine membrane and birth canal injury repair 21-23%

4. Restore reproductive elasticity, nutrition and cortical relaxation 17-19%

5. Postpartum repair of pelvic muscles, Rectus abdominis separation and relaxation 12-15

6, heme iron, zinc, calcium supplement 10-12%

7, control mastitis, reproductive inflammation 12-15%

8 、Breast milk nutrition 9-11%

9、Uterine adhesion repair 15-18%

10、Uterine scar repair 13-17%

Using abdominal belt Benefits

1. The abdomen belt is a kind of abdomen belt that helps the abdomen with the help of physical methods. It is divided into postpartum special and non-postpartum special. The postpartum special is designed for postpartum abdominal muscle relaxation and to prevent sagging of internal organs. The non-postpartum special is also called corset, which is aimed at people with enlarged abdomen.

2, the abdomen is the easiest way for postpartum womenIn places where the body is deformed, the abdomen is overstretched during childbirth, causing 100% of postpartum women to relax in the abdomen. This loose abdominal muscles and enlarged uterine cavity cannot be recovered in time, which can easily lead to fat accumulation and many gynecology The formation of diseases not only affects the beauty, but also is the culprit of postpartum body deformation and many diseases. A high-quality abdominal belt has a good effect on reducing abdomen. Functional abdomen The involution of the uterus and birth canal, the drainage of postpartum lochia, and the relief of abdominal pain all have good effects.

3. The so-called functional abdominal belt is a kind of abdominal belt with functional effects on the basis of physical abdominal belt.

Postpartum lochia discharge:

Lochia is produced, mainly from the bleeding of the blood vessel wound on the contact surface of the uterus and the placenta after the placenta is separated from the uterus. These bleedings Mixed with remaining fetal membranes or placental fragments and discharged.

Postpartum lochia is a key indicator to measure mother’s repair. Long-term unclean lochia can cause gynecological inflammation, such as vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, adnexitis, etc. In addition, long-term lochia does not Net, it may be caused by residual fetal membranes or placenta in the uterine cavity.

French PWRH postpartum repair nutrition, through the perineal mucosa, capillaries, and perineal acupoints, direct transdermal absorption, direct to the reproductive system, promote the discharge of lochia, promote uterine and vaginal contraction, repair damaged uterus and anti-inflammatory uterus.

Disadvantages of long-term use of the abdomen belt

1. Long-term use of the abdomen belt can lead to poor blood flow, which can cause varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and lumbar muscle strain. Wait. In addition, the tight waist of the parturient woman will increase the abdominal pressure and reduce the supporting force of the ligaments of the reproductive organs, which will cause uterine prolapse, retroflexion of the uterus, bulging of the anterior or posterior vaginal wall, etc., and easily induce the pelvic cavity. Gynecological diseases such as venous stasis, pelvic inflammatory disease and accessory inflammation.

2. New mothers should use the abdomen belt early, intermittently, and tightly so that it can be most effective.

How long does a cesarean section take? How long should I tie the abdomen belt after delivery? Generally, it’s best not to exceed eight hours a day, because it takes a long time. Wearing an abdominal belt will also make the body feel very uncomfortable. If the abdominal pressure is high for a long time, it will also affect the recovery of the body to a certain extent. Therefore, except for the abdominal belt during the day after meals or when going to the toilet, Try not to tighten the abdomen belt for more than eight hours, or stick to the abdomen belt when sleeping at night, which is not good for the recovery of the body. zcj