The first fetal movement turned out to be this way. Many mothers regard it as gastrointestinal movement

Women will have various experiences during pregnancy, such as morning sickness in early pregnancy, nausea before the food reaches the mouth, and the feeling that the belly grows slowly and the back pain is of course people The most memorable thing is the first movement of the little life in the belly.

Fetal movement refers to the movement of the fetus that has developed to a certain extent, and after the body has the ability to move, it hits the uterine wall. The first fetal movement usually occurs in 3 to 4 months of pregnancy. Let’s take a look. What are the feelings of pregnant mothers who experience fetal movement for the first time?

@经久穿: "I heard my friends talk about fetal movement before pregnancy, and I didn’t really feel magical until I felt the fetal movement. I was 12 weeks pregnant and pregnant. It’s not so obvious. One day the house was very quiet. Just like that, I felt the first fetal movement. It felt like a little goldfish was swimming gently in my belly, and I could feel the slightness when I put my hand on my belly. The fetal movement.”

@尾数2980’s user: “Our family opened a store. Before the branch opened, I was pregnant. It was a double happiness for our family. At that time, to celebrate the opening of the branch, please specially please After joining the gongs and drums team, the sound of gongs and drums was too loud, and the little guy in his stomach, as if awakened from his sleep, jumped for a while. The child's father was so happy when he knew it, and said that the child was celebrating for us."

@Occasionally sexy: "When I was pregnant, my condition was very bad, I could not eat anything with morning sickness, and I had irregular bowel movements. When I was more than 3 months old, I had a grunting stomach. I thought it was due to gastrointestinal discomfort, but I told my family later that it was a fetal movement."

@夏冷水机: "The first fetal movement gave me a special feeling, just It seems that the baby is tickling in the belly. The movements are very gentle and slow. It is similar to the gastrointestinal digestion of food, but there are some subtle differences. After the baby moves, I will stroke the belly with my hand, and then the baby will follow my movements. Fetal movement, as if we are communicating with each other, it’s very magical.”

@哦耶~: “I remember the first fetal movement was when I was 4 months pregnant. I was so excited that I hurriedly touched my belly and closed my eyes to enjoy this feeling. Maybe it was because I was so happy. I didn't even want to tell my husband that it was alive. You should try it too. Now it's really funny to think about it. "

@金刚芭比: "I always insisted on fitness before pregnancy. There were vest lines and abdominal muscles. Later, I did not give up exercise. When I was pregnant for more than 4 months, my belly was almost No, I can’t find out if I don’t look carefully. My family members are very worried, thinking that there is something wrong with the fetus. It’s not until the fetal movement is felt one day when it is almost 5 months old. The family can rest assured.”

@阿里河: "When preparing for pregnancy, my husband and I did a lot of homework. Later, various problems during pregnancy, such as morning sickness, poor sleep, etc., basically followed the script. My husband and I All were psychologically prepared, but this fetal movement did not come as expected, which made us both worried for a while, until one day, the sun was shining, and the baby just sent it like this After the first fetal movement, my husband put his ears on my stomach and felt the baby's slight movements. It felt so happy. "

@想吃奶皮子: "Among the people I know, their fetal movements are very slight when they are pregnant, but this in my stomach is too naughty. Once I got up in the morning, there was a sudden increase in my belly. A drum bag, I gently touched the drum bag with my hand, and immediately deflated, and after a while, I swelled up again. I also took a lot of photos and prepared to show him when the baby grows up. ”

It is not difficult to see that every pregnant mother is full of happiness when experiencing the first fetal movement. The growth of a life is so wonderful, as if as long as it is moving, the pregnant mother can A lot of peace of mind. Pregnant mothers, what kind of experience did you have when you experienced the first fetal movement?