During the summer vacation, children really have a lot of time to relax. There are no complicated vacation homework, and there is no need to attend some extracurricular tutoring classes. I just have time left at home every day. So playing games or watching TV has become the prefe

During the summer vacation, children really have a lot of time to relax. There are no complicated vacation homework, and there is no need to attend some extracurricular tutoring classes. I just have time left at home every day.

So playing games or watching TV has become the preferred entertainment method for children. Compared with playing games, parents prefer their children to watch TV. After all, there are too many uncontrollable factors in games. Once a child is addicted or comes into contact with some bad things, it can easily have a bad impact on the child.

However, although watching TV is allowed, there are restrictions. If children watch TV from morning to night, it may also cause dissatisfaction among adults.

The child is addicted to watching TV, and the father throws the TV in anger

In life, it is estimated that many parents regard "TV" as a "scourge" and believe that TV will not only affect their children's vision, but also cause addiction once they become addicted. It will affect children's learning, so many families rarely turn on the TV after having children, or even have no TV at home.

However, even if adults watch TV, children can turn it on themselves. Once the children are at home, they will have the opportunity to access the TV. It is okay not to be discovered. Once discovered by adults, criticism and education are inevitable, and some parents will even Do some extreme behavior.

On the Internet, a video of a father smashing the TV angrily aroused discussion among netizens. In the video, a father couldn't bear the fact that his son was addicted to watching TV and refused to change despite repeated admonitions. In the end, got angry and lifted the TV on the wall and smashed it to the ground. In an instant, the TV was broken into pieces.

In my father’s opinion, he may have educated his children over and over again about their children’s love of watching TV, but to no avail in the end.

But this time when he saw his child watching TV again, he turned a deaf ear to his words. His father immediately became furious. In an instant, his anger overcame his reason. He picked up the TV on the wall and threw it down hard.

Dad threw the TV and left. The actions of the siblings made people feel heartbroken.

There is no education that can be achieved overnight, and there is no achievement for nothing. Although the father broke the TV in front of him, the two children also acted extremely shocked. I don't know whether they were frightened by their father's tantrum, or by his father's behavior of throwing the TV. In short, the two children watched the scene in front of them quietly without crying or making a fuss.

After his father smashed the TV, he walked out of the house angrily. After a few seconds, the two children also reacted to what had just happened. At this time, the two children still did not show any extreme behavior. It was just who worked together to lift the broken TV back to its original place.

The behavior of the two children made many netizens who watched the video feel distressed. How could their father be so violent despite such a good behavior? It seems that the child is disobedient and loses control of his emotions, but the behavior of throwing things is really not a good education method. There is no doubt that every time the child wants to watch TV from now on, he will think of the scene where his father hugged and threw the TV.

The problem of children loving watching TV has never been solved by "smashing the TV"

Most families in life will regard "watching TV" as the main form of entertainment, especially some elderly people, as long as they are at home , the TV will be turned on all the time. In such an environment, children will naturally become interested in watching TV.

In addition, many parents often play cartoons to their children when they are young, in order to make their children better behaved, and they can take advantage of this opportunity to take a break from the busy work. As everyone knows, once such a habit is developed, When the children grow up and are no longer allowed to watch, the children will naturally be "itchy and unbearable".

Therefore, if you want to solve the problem of children watching TV, it is never about "smashing the TV" in anger . Such violent methods can only make the relationship between children and themselves more and more alienated. Without correct education, Even if two TVs are smashed, the child still has a strong desire to watch TV.

For the sake of children, there has never been a TV in the house? As long as the guidance is good, you can watch it with confidence.

During the previous epidemic at home, because the island did not allow children to play with mobile phones, watching TV became his main way of entertainment. He watched TV for at least 2 hours a day, and turning off the TV would even cause more trouble. A bloody and crying scene.

But even if the crying continued, I finally corrected the problem of my child's love of watching TV, but instead of forcibly stopping it, I chose a gentler approach.

First of all, neither parents nor the elderly will watch TV in front of their children. The pastime becomes playing games with their children or reading picture books; after a period of time, the children's attention will shift away from the TV. were quickly dispersed.

Secondly, watching TV is not a way to reward children. However, when children want to watch TV, adults will not refuse. They will just agree on a time in advance and ask the children to turn off the TV on their own initiative when the time comes.

After such guidance, the problem of children watching TV was properly solved. There was no hysteria on the part of the parents and no jumping up and downs on the children. The problem was solved amidst laughter and laughter.

Today’s topic: Will you allow your children to watch TV?