1. If there is a girl in your family, yesterday I shared "The age of 0-6 determines the life of a boy". Today, I will talk about "The age of 0-6 determines the life of a girl". Its author is also Takeuchi Ai Lihua. These two works are her masterpieces. As a famous Japanese child

1. If there is a girl in the family

Yesterday, I finished sharing "The age of 0~6 determines the life of a boy". Today, I will talk about "The age of 0~6 determines the life of a girl".

Its author is also Ai Lihua Takeuchi. These two works are her masterpieces. As a famous Japanese child educator, she has always advocated "cultivating all-round development of talents." Based on this goal, she paid more attention to children's early education.

Many studies have shown that many qualities in a person's life come from the living habits in childhood. As parents, we should focus more on early education. 0~6 years old, this time period is particularly easy to be ignored. Many people think that children don’t understand anything. It’s too late to educate yourself when you grow up. But when you really grow up, you have no way to guide you.

Therefore, while the child is still young, it is worth learning to tap into the child's inner potential step by step and become a responsible mother.

Because the child in my family is a boy, I had no intention of reading this book. But my friend read it and said it was very good, so I borrowed it and looked through it.

From a structural point of view, "0~6 years old determines a girl's life" and "0~6 years old determines a boy's life" are the same. There are even many chapters with similar concepts.

This is very normal, because even though boys and girls have relatively large individual differences, the process of children growing up from childhood to adulthood must follow universal physiological laws.

Next, I will talk about the book "A Girl's Life Is Determined Between Ages 0 to 6" in detail.

2. "The age of 0 to 6 determines a girl's life"

The book "The age of 0 to 6 determines the life of a girl" still divides the six years of a girl's 0 to 6 years into seven stages, starting from cultivating perception. , start by cultivating autonomy and cultivating imagination. When the child is three years old, it is necessary to cultivate her mentality of not relying on others, and at the same time, believe and confirm the child's ideas. At the age of 4, parents should also create more opportunities for their children to cultivate their children's ability to think independently. At the same time, girls are naturally good at expressing themselves. Cultivating children's expressive and cooperative abilities will help children go more smoothly in their future lives.

Finally, and the most important point is - Give your children plenty of love.

Compared with boys, girls are more sensitive inside. From an early age, she was able to guess the emotions of characters through their expressions. Therefore, mothers who have girls at home must pay attention to their own emotional management. Only when the atmosphere at home is harmonious can girls grow up more smoothly.

At the same time, women's delicateness can sometimes become an obstacle. Allowing children to take the initiative to try some things they can do is not only conducive to the cultivation of girls' desire to explore, but also allows girls to feel the joy of independence.

Compared with boys, girls are better at listening. Parents can take advantage of girls in this aspect to cultivate their children's artistic perception.

Similarly, girls’ own emotional problems also need help from us as parents. Parents, don’t be lazy in this regard. In the process of children's growth, give them a lot of affirmation. Every bit of progress they make is very valuable.

3. Irrigate with love and wait for the flowers to bloom

In general, whether we are boys or girls, we will encounter many problems in the process of raising children. But we must believe that difficulties are only temporary, and as long as we persist in learning, we can always resolve them.

Sometimes, children’s problems always test our patience. "Why other people's children can do it, but my children can't?" This kind of mentality is not advisable.

Calm down and take a long-term view. Even if the child's current progress is slow, we should not be anxious.Every child has its own growth rhythm. As long as we accompany them with our hearts and irrigate them with love, we can always wait for the moment when they bloom.

The more anxious you are, the more you have to slow down. Slow down and you'll be less likely to make mistakes. html Thirty-six years can be said to be long or short. No matter what stage you are at now, as long as your children grow up healthily, we should all be happy.