Due to the "patronage" of the new coronavirus, masks have become a must-have item for everyone to go out. Therefore, some people cannot do without masks at all. Without wearing masks, they feel like they have no clothes on. But this kind of everyday thing is the most likely to go

Due to the "patronage" of the new coronavirus, masks have become a must-have for everyone when going out. Therefore, some people can't get rid of masks at all. Without wearing a mask, they feel like they have no clothes on. But this kind of everyday thing is the most likely to go wrong.

Recently, an 8-year-old boy from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, was in class at school. Because he was curious about masks, he took off the mask, took out the nose pin wire, put it in his mouth, and accidentally swallowed it. The boy felt a sore throat and immediately told his teacher, who immediately transferred him to Xi'an Children's Hospital for treatment.

The doctor performed a gastroscopy on the child and found that the metal wire was 5 to 6 centimeters long after being folded in half and had entered the stomach cavity. Fortunately, the metal wire was finally successfully removed. Children are more curious and have poor safety awareness, and may swallow unexpected foreign objects into their stomachs. Therefore, parents should strengthen education to prevent problems before they occur.

What other foreign objects have the child swallowed?

In the past few years, there have been many cases of children accidentally ingesting magnetic beads. As long as the magnetic beads are adsorbed together and interact in the intestines, and the length is too long, it is difficult to excrete from the body. If not treated in time, it can lead to intestinal origin. Sexual infection may also cause septic shock, which can be life-threatening in severe cases. For safety reasons, try not to buy magnetic beads for your children. If you find that they have been swallowed by mistake, you should seek medical attention immediately.

What should I do if my child swallows a foreign object?

After a child swallows a foreign body by mistake, he should not be fed any food or water during the period. He should calm down and seek medical treatment immediately. If a foreign body is accidentally swallowed and causes airway obstruction, abdominal shock therapy must be used to rescue the patient as soon as possible. The specific method is to stand or kneel behind the child, put two arms around the child's abdomen, and instruct the child to lean forward, lower his head and open his mouth; make one hand into a fist, and place your thumb flat above the belly button. Grasp the fist tightly with the other hand and punch the upper abdomen as fast and hard as possible until the foreign object is spit out.

How to prevent babies from swallowing foreign objects?

. Take good care of small items

Parents should take good care of relatively small items, such as small nails, particles and buttons, sugar pills, glass balls, coins, etc., and place them out of reach of children to avoid accidental eating.

. Pay attention to fruits with stones.

Jujubes, grapes, oranges, hawthorns, etc. all have stones. Try to remove the stones before feeding them to your children. Foods that are too hard should not be added to complementary foods. Whole nuts should not be fed to children too early, such as pistachios , almonds and peanut kernels, etc.; under the supervision of parents, feed small and smooth foods, such as jelly beans or chocolate beans, etc.; give children less sticky foods, such as glutinous rice balls and rice cakes. And 獍粑 and so on.

3. Check toys frequently

Parents should frequently check the toys that their children play with every day to see if there are any loose or falling small parts. If there are any, they should be put away or tightened in time. In addition, children should not be amused, scolded or threatened when eating food, otherwise food will enter the trachea due to crying or laughing; children should not be fed any food when they are crying. In addition, children under 3 years old cannot be allowed to eat alone, and their families should monitor them carefully.

A message from a family doctor

After a child accidentally eats a foreign body, suffocation will be life-threatening for 3 minutes. Therefore, when facing danger, you should calm down and seek medical treatment as quickly as possible. If a child accidentally eats a metallic foreign body, such as a coin, he should go to the hospital for an abdominal fluoroscopy examination as soon as possible to understand the location of the foreign body; if the diameter of the foreign body exceeds 5 cm, or has a special shape that makes it difficult to pass through the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, it cannot be It is excreted in the form of feces and needs to be removed immediately by surgery or gastroscopy. It is worth reminding that if a child has difficulty swallowing or breathing, changes in facial color, or suddenly becomes motionless, it is most likely that he has swallowed a foreign body and requires immediate medical attention.

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