It’s been a while since I made a meal with whole grains. Do you have any innovative methods at home? Our family has eaten this red date taco 3 or 4 times, and every time there is no leftover. It can be used as a staple food or as a snack, and the practicality rate is 100%! For ba

It’s been a while since I made a meal with whole grains. Do you have any innovative methods at home?

Our family has eaten this red date taco 3 or 4 times, and every time there is nothing left. can be used as a staple food or as a snack, the practical rate is 100%!

is for babies. I recommend making this kind of two-mixed product.

Ordinary flour + cornmeal, Some grainy whole grains can actually increase the taste, and children will not find it unpalatable!

My own experience in making pasta, with a little seasoning, Whether it is salty, sweet, green onion or fruity, kids can buy it!

Add chopped red dates to it, and the steamed rolls will have a sweet jujube aroma.

Small red date tacos are less likely to be wasted than larger steamed buns and flower rolls.

comes in three color combinations: white, yellow, and red. The shape of is also very interesting, which is what children will like!

- Red date tacos-

· Reference month age·

2 months and above, babies who are not allergic to food

·Ingredients preparation·

200g plain flour / 100g cornmeal

20g red dates / 10g sugar / yeast2 Grams

The above ingredients only represent the production amount

and do not represent the baby's meal consumption

· Operation steps ·

Cut and core the red dates, and set them aside for later use. In addition to red dates, you can also substitute other dried fruits, which will all taste good.

Add sugar, yeast and 105 grams of water to the flour and stir until it becomes flocculent.

After that, continue to knead the dough until it becomes a smooth dough. You can cover it with plastic wrap and set it aside for later use.

* Covering with plastic wrap is mainly to prevent the surface of the dough from drying out, and I don’t need to ferment this dough until it doubles in size. I just put it aside and proceed to the next step.

Pour 140 grams of boiling water into the cornmeal and stir thoroughly.

Then add the previously processed chopped red dates or other dried fruits, and knead them together with the cornmeal, which is equivalent to the filling inside.

After all these are processed, uncover the plastic wrap that was previously covered with the dough, place it on the kneading mat, and roll it into a uniform rectangular dough as much as possible.

Put the freshly made red date cornmeal on the dough and spread it evenly.

Then roll up the dough and cut it into small rolls of suitable size. This red date taco is already half full.

Place the cut red date tacos in the steamer and let them ferment until they are 1.5 times larger.

* What I use here is the method of shaping first and then fermenting, which can better maintain the shape of the tacos and at the same time have a fluffy and soft texture.


Turn on the heat and steam for 15 minutes, then turn off the heat and continue to simmer for 5 minutes. This will allow the roll to maintain its shape better and not collapse easily.


Finally, the cooked rolls are poured out. It is suitable for making a staple food or a small snack.


I really recommend that you make more of these semi-coarse grain steamed buns for your children. The taste, texture and nutrition are all round!