From this moment on, you must be kind to yourself and take care of yourself, because your health is closely linked to the health of your baby! Women nowadays use cigarettes as a tool to express their style and sexiness. Women who smoke in society It abounds, but if you are a preg

The moment you find out that you are pregnant, you are filled with unspeakable ecstasy, and you pray to have a healthy and beautiful baby. From this moment on, you must be kind to yourself and take care of yourself, because your health is closely linked to the health of your baby in your belly!

1. Expectant mothers should say "goodbye" to tobacco and alcohol.

Maybe you have the habit of drinking. Maybe you have always thought that women are very chic when they smoke. But from the moment you find out that you are pregnant, you have to follow the cigarette loudly. Wine says "bye". Because smoking and alcohol may harm your growing baby.

Women nowadays use cigarettes as a tool to express their style and sexiness. There are many women who smoke in society, but if you are a pregnant woman, you must stay away from this fashion, because a woman’s body resists during pregnancy. At this time, smoking can easily cause some respiratory diseases, and the toxic substances in nicotine and smoke can also enter the placenta through the blood, hindering the healthy development of the fetus.

2. A comprehensive list of taboos for pregnant women

When you are sure that you are pregnant, you have to understand that you can no longer live as carelessly and freely as before. You must always think about the baby in your belly, because you Not only are you a woman, but more importantly you are about to become a mother.

Maybe you like "disco" very much, but now you have to give up it completely, because for you, disco has changed from a "fashionable sport" to a "dangerous sport". There are many more taboos like this. We have sorted them out so that future mothers can better protect themselves.

A question that pregnant women are generally concerned about is how to choose clothes, shoes and what to wear after pregnancy is the most appropriate for pregnant women?

Let’s first look at the clothing issue. After pregnancy, due to the continuous development and growth of the fetus in the mother's body, the mother's body becomes round and thick, making it difficult to move and unsightly. At this time, some pregnant women wear thin, tight and small clothes to hide their big belly. This is unnecessary and detrimental to your body shape. Wearing thin, small, and tight clothes not only makes you feel uncomfortable, but also affects the body's blood circulation, and may even cause varicose veins in the lower limbs and restrict fetal movement. Pregnant women should wear light, soft, roomy and comfortable clothes. Underwear and underwear should not be too tight. Do not use belts to tie your waist. Use cloth belts to tie your waist, and the elasticity should be appropriate. This is beneficial to the health of pregnant women and the growth and development of the fetus. Generally speaking, pregnant women are prone to sweating in summer and should wear loose, loose-fitting clothes. In winter, they should wear thick and warm clothes, such as down jackets, which are cold-proof, lightweight, and beautiful in style. The more baggy and loose clothes you wear, the more you can hide your body's fatness.

The choice of shoes is also very important. Now we see some fashionable pregnant women in the society. Their maternity clothes are alternative and beautiful, which makes people look refreshing. In order to match these clothes, they often wear three-inch high heels, which is not a good idea when walking on the street. They are swaying, but their bodies are pitiful. After a woman is pregnant, her body will undergo great changes. For example, her belly will increase day by day, her weight will increase, her body's center of gravity will shift forward, and the burden on her waist, back muscles and feet will increase when standing or walking. If she continues to wear high heels, she will Feeling that your feet are unstable and your body is heavier will not only make you feel uncomfortable, but also make you prone to falling, which is very detrimental to the health of pregnant women. Falling can easily lead to miscarriage, with more serious consequences.

In addition, pregnant women also want to know whether they can watch TV and whether watching TV will affect the fetus.

Some scientists have conducted research in this area. Through examination of nearly 700 pregnant women who were close to the fluorescent screen for 20 hours a week, they found that 20% of the pregnant women had spontaneous abortion, and a survey of pregnant women who were close to the fluorescent screen for 40 hours a week The results showed that spontaneous abortion occurred more frequently.

In life, the elderly at home will also tell you some things, such as that it is best to cut your hair short. I advise you to rather believe it and accept these opinions.If you have any questions, you can also consult obstetrics and gynecology doctors. They are experienced and can give you correct guidance. In short, pregnant women should be careful in all aspects of life. If you don’t understand something, ask more questions. If you don’t understand something, ask for advice. Keep your baby's health issues in mind at all times, and you will be the most qualified mother.

3. Guide to Safe Medication During Pregnancy

Every family hopes to have a healthy, lively, beautiful, and intelligent baby, so pregnant women must be extra careful when taking medication. If the medication is improperly used, it may harm the fetus and lead to family misfortune.

We all know that some drugs may affect the development of babies, but do you know what these drugs include? Don't think that everything is guided by a doctor. If you know more about it, you can avoid taking inappropriate medicines by mistake, which is equivalent to buying a safe insurance for yourself and your baby.

"Medicine is divided into three parts poison". Any medicine, including various tonic medicines, are decomposed and metabolized in the human body and have certain side effects, including toxic effects and allergic reactions. It can be said that no drug is absolutely safe for the human body. If used improperly, even nourishing medicines can have adverse effects on the human body and cause various damages to pregnant women and the fetus in their belly. Therefore, pregnant women should mainly take food supplements. The growth and development of the fetus requires a large amount of protein, fat, sugar, minerals and vitamins. These nutrients are widely found in various nutrient-rich foods. Therefore, pregnant women should work hard on eating well, eating well, and eating sweet and delicious foods. This is the best choice for nourishing pregnant women with weak bodies.

Of course, we are not all against pregnant women taking supplements. Pregnant women who really need to take nourishing drugs should take them correctly and reasonably under the guidance of a doctor and based on the actual situation.

There are indeed many drugs that can affect the fetus. It sounds terrible, but it is true. But it is impossible for pregnant women not to get sick at all, and it is impossible not to take medicine if you are sick. As long as you explain to the doctor that you are pregnant when you see a doctor, the doctor will weigh the pros and cons. Choose safe drugs without toxic side effects for you to ensure the health and safety of mother and child.

4. Help you deal with early pregnancy reactions

Being a mother is a woman’s greatest pride and happiness. During pregnancy, pregnant women need to endure some discomforts caused by pregnancy, such as vomiting during pregnancy. Vomiting in pregnancy is not a disease, it is just a temporary symptom of pregnancy. If the vomiting is severe, it will also affect the mood of the pregnant woman, making her too nervous and worried. Therefore, necessary arrangements should be made to gradually improve the pregnancy reaction.

Pregnant women may experience nausea and vomiting a few days after their menstrual period. It usually occurs within a few hours after getting up in the morning. In severe cases, it can occur throughout the day. It will not occur until around 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. disappear. This reaction is more obvious in first-time mothers, and some may recur in every pregnancy. Women can determine whether they are pregnant based on this reaction, so it is called pregnancy reaction, commonly known as "harmful mouth". The degree and duration of pregnancy reactions often vary from person to person. In mild cases, there is only loss of appetite, decreased appetite, nausea or occasional vomiting in the morning; in severe cases, vomiting occurs after eating, even without eating, or spitting mouth after mouthful, and some spitting out yellow-green bitter water (bile), or even Reaching morbid conditions such as dehydration and acidosis. In addition, some pregnant women have abnormal appetite. They especially like to eat cold, sour foods and hate greasy foods. The sense of smell is particularly sensitive and can cause reflex vomiting to all disgusting odors.

The time, symptoms, and degree of early pregnancy reactions vary from person to person. Some pregnant women have no obvious reaction; most pregnant women (about 80%) have mild reactions. When early pregnancy symptoms occur, you only need to think of some ways, such as relaxing your body and mind, paying attention to rest, temporarily not doing the housework you don't want to do, and eating something you like. There is no need to worry about the nutrition of the fetus, because the fetus is very small at this time and does not require much nutrition. You can also participate in some entertainment activities that you like and find ways to distract yourself and don't just want to vomit. Generally, no treatment is required, and the early pregnancy symptoms will disappear after a few weeks.Only a few pregnant women have severe reactions, unable to eat and vomiting frequently.

When reactions occur in early pregnancy, it is still necessary to pay attention to the diet. Most pregnant women with and reactions in early pregnancy have a heavy feeling in the stomach, loss of appetite, plus vomiting and nausea. In order not to damage the health of the mother and fetus, we must find ways to absorb nutrients. For this reason, the following points in diet should be paid attention to.

(1) Let nature take its course. There is no requirement to have a regular diet, you can eat whatever you want. You can eat less each time and eat more times; you don’t have to consider the nutritional value of the food, as long as you can eat it, it will be beneficial. After the reaction has passed, resume your eating habits.

(2) You can prepare some favorite snacks. Some foods that pregnant women like to eat should be prepared in advance, such as biscuits, snacks, cakes, snacks, etc., and placed next to the bed. They can be eaten when they feel stomach discomfort or nausea. This can relieve nausea and vomiting.

(3) Try to increase appetite. Find ways to increase the appetite of pregnant women and season them according to their preferences. If you like sour food, you can prepare some sour plums, sour citrus, or add vinegar to vegetables; if you like cold food, you can prepare cold dishes, such as cold tofu, mixed cucumbers, mixed tomatoes, etc., as well as some ice cream, yogurt, etc. Continuously improving cooking methods and changing the types of vegetables and rice can also increase appetite.

(4) Avoid irritating smells. Such as stir-fried vegetables, soup and greasy smell.

(5) Avoid constipation. Constipation can aggravate early pregnancy reactions. You can eat more vegetables, fruits and fiber-containing foods. For those who already have constipation, they should eat more vegetable oil, honey, bananas, sweet potatoes, etc. to keep the stool smooth.

(6) Replenish moisture. In addition to eating fruits, soups, and milk, you can also drink light tea, sour plum soup, lemon juice, or even sugar salt water to replenish water and excrete harmful substances from the body through diuresis. When the early pregnancy reaction ends, there is no need to drink too much water to avoid edema.

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In the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant women should learn to adjust their diet and daily life, such as eating small meals frequently, choosing foods rich in protein and vitamins, while trying to maintain a happy mood and doing some aerobic exercise in moderation. Doing so will reduce the discomfort caused by pregnancy reactions and allow you to look forward to the arrival of your baby comfortably and peacefully.