Text/Hao Pregnant Sister Yesterday, someone in the mothers' group asked: Is it popular now to "get pregnant first and then ask for a marriage certificate"? My little sister is getting married. As soon as the wedding invitations were sent out, someone quietly asked my mother, "Is

text/好pregnant sister

Yesterday, someone in the mothers' group asked: Is the trend of "getting pregnant first and then asking for a marriage certificate" popular now? My little sister is getting married. As soon as the wedding invitations were sent out, someone quietly asked my mother, "Is your daughter pregnant?"

My mother had a bad temper and was so angry that she wanted to curse someone on the spot, but after all, we all knew each other, so she could only suppress the anger in her stomach and say "no".

As a result, people were surprised and said, "Nowadays, people only get married after they have children. If my son marries a wife, he will not get married if she is not pregnant. Otherwise, what will happen if she doesn't have children in the future."

Oh my god, people nowadays are so terrible. If you start planning from the time you fall in love, how can you be happy even if you get married?


I took a look at the comment area and found that the vast majority of my friends said that "a woman should never get pregnant before she is married and then get married with a child."

However, some people still think that "whether you are married and then pregnant, or unmarried and pregnant, you cannot live happily without a man's reliability. Also, don't lose yourself and everything revolves around the man."

Frankly speaking, This is true. But getting pregnant before marriage is really easy to fall into a passive situation. If you see a man's true colors clearly during a relationship, you can stop the loss in time before getting pregnant. Once you become pregnant, the price you pay is too high and the harm you do to yourself is even greater.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are indeed really happy girls who get pregnant out of wedlock, but most of them end up in the following consequences:

The man suddenly does not want to get married, and the pregnant girl is abandoned.

Before getting pregnant, some men will vow to marry. Promise "As long as you get pregnant, we will get married." But to be honest, as long as you don’t have a certificate, don’t take any sweet words seriously.

Many times, when you have an unexpected pregnancy, some men’s first reaction is not to be surprised and happy, but to avoid responsibility.

They will unite with your family members to drive you away, and then find various excuses to make you extremely miserable, and even bluntly say "I don't want it for free."

The girls who were cruelly abandoned by them had only two choices: artificial abortion; giving birth to the child and becoming an unmarried mother.

But no matter what the situation is, getting pregnant before marriage means to outsiders that the girl is unclean.

When the time comes, in addition to enduring physical harm, you and your parents will also be criticized by outsiders. Accept all kinds of unpleasant rumors and become the gossip and joke of others after dinner.

is used as a fertility machine, and people do not get married until they give birth to a son.

Some men will take the initiative to propose the idea of ​​"getting pregnant first and then getting married." There is actually a truth hidden behind this, that is, they are worried that women will not give birth after marriage, and want to check in advance. No fertility.

Once they find out that they are unable to conceive, they will not look for the reason in themselves. Instead, they confidently believe that the woman is infertile, and then dump the woman very decisively.

Especially some families that favor boys over girls will not regard you as their own family at all, but as a fertility machine. If the woman is pregnant with a daughter, she will most likely be asked to abort it. It wasn't until my son was born that I agreed to get a marriage certificate and hold a banquet.

The bride price was lowered without any bottom line, and she was also disliked in various ways after marrying.

Some girls who are pregnant before marriage will feel that having a baby in their belly should be more valuable. Even if the man doesn't want to pay the bride price, or doesn't want to get married, he still has to look at the child.

However, this situation is limited to the kind house you encounter. When you meet a man with a lot of thoughts, they don't care about that much.

will only feel that since you are pregnant, you have no choice but to marry the man. When the time comes, they will take the opportunity to bargain and lower the cost of betrothal gifts and weddings without any bottom line.

There are even some scoundrel men who think that being willing to marry you is already a great gift, and they are not even willing to give you a bride price.

People are all bad-natured and will not cherish things that are easily obtained. In this case, even if you force the marriage, you will not get the respect of your husband's family.

finally wants to say that no matter what you do, you must clearly consider the risks and consequences it will bring.Especially for major life events like marriage and pregnancy, you must not compromise casually, otherwise it is very easy to fall into a dilemma.

Senior nanny, psychological counselor, author of original parenting comic articles,

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