Changjiang Daily Wuhan client reported on July 2 (reporter Liu Yue, correspondent Li Dan) "The baby's spleen and stomach are like a transportation system. Each 'track' does not interfere with each other and flows in an orderly manner, so there will be no blockage." July On the af

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client, July 2 (Reporter Liu Yue, Correspondent Li Dan) "The baby's spleen and stomach are like a transportation system. Each 'track' does not interfere with each other and flows in an orderly manner, so there will be no blockage. "On the afternoon of July 1, 12 mothers gathered at the Zhongbei Road Campus of Wuchang Maternal and Child Health Hospital to participate in the "Mom Class" pediatric massage training class organized by Wuchang Maternal and Child Joint Hospital of Hubei Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine. Three of the mothers also brought their babies and planned to learn pediatric massage techniques and techniques in the class.

Mom brings her baby to "recharge". Photographed by Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Yue

On the podium, Dr. Zhao Ying from the Department of Pediatrics (Pediatric Massage) of Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine introduced the TCM pediatric massage techniques to the mothers present in layman’s terms, combining the daily life scenes of babies with common pediatric diseases. Under the podium, Ms. Lei, the mother of the baby, lowered her head from time to time and wrote furiously, fearing that she would miss a knowledge point; the mother of the baby, Li Huang Zhuoyang, frequently picked up her mobile phone to take photos and keep "electronic notes"; some babies volunteered to be "models" on stage, allowing the teaching doctor to act as a model. massage demonstration...

In the class, the doctor demonstrated the massage techniques for children on the spot, and the mothers took videos to learn. Photographed by Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Yue

"The teaching doctors are a professional team from the Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. They teach theory and practice face to face. It is a precious opportunity that money cannot buy. If you don't come, you will lose a lot!" Ms. Lei, the mother of the mother, is I am a die-hard fan of "Mom's Classroom" and attend classes every week. She said that after following this "Mom" class, her 5-year-old baby won't panic even if she gets some common diseases. "A few days ago, my neighbor's child had a fever. When I asked, I found out that the fever was caused by accumulated food . I used the 'chiropractic' taught in the 'Mom Class' to relieve the condition."

The mothers worked hard in the "Mom Class" notes. Photo by Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Yue

According to the person in charge of the Zhongbei Road Branch of Wuchang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital, a total of 12 lectures were organized in the first phase of the "Mother Class", and the reservation places for each lecture were quickly sold out. . The class focuses on common pediatric diseases such as fever, cough, rhinitis , and sleep. The basic techniques of traditional Chinese massage are explained, so that mothers can provide basic health care and treatment for some common diseases for their children, and reduce the pain of taking medicines and injections.

“We are also willing to strengthen communication and interaction with residents in the form of ‘Mom Classroom’ to help mothers truly become their children’s ‘family health doctors’, while at the same time giving full play to the value of traditional Chinese medicine and promoting the traditional Chinese medicine culture.” Zhao Ying said.

It is reported that in order to facilitate maternal and child medical treatment in the jurisdiction, strengthen the linkage between tertiary hospitals and grassroots, and effectively promote the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, Wuchang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital and Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will establish a medical consortium unit in 2021. The Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine Pediatric experts are dispatched to the Zhongbei Road Campus of Wuchang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital all day every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The scope of consultation includes: anorexia, constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, night crying, rhinitis, and recurrent respiratory infections in children. , enuresis, slow growth and development and other diseases.

[Editor: Yu Lina]

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