Day 8 of punching in and copying books "The Language of Parents" Be a brave child. Although you will not gain much, if you continue to persevere, the flowers of victory will surely bloom. Be a brave child. Bravery means daring to do things within your own ability. The boy below H

Check in and copy the book on the eighth day "Parents' Language" Be a brave child, although you will not gain much, but continue to persevere, the flower of victory will surely bloom

Be a brave child

Bravery means daring to do what you can, The boy below is an example:

Shangbo's family is doing business in Tianjin. His family is very wealthy, and some local kidnappers have long targeted him.

One day, Shang Bo came home from school and met a stranger on the road. The man said that he was his father's friend and wanted to go to his house to get a DVD. He asked Shang Bo to lead the way. As he said this, he pushed Shang Bo onto the road. A van. After the van started, Shang Bo found that the van was not going to his home, but in another direction. At this time, he knew that he had been kidnapped.

The car drove near a bungalow, and Shang Bo was taken in by the kidnappers and tied up. At night, the kidnappers started calling his father and wanted to extort money. Late at night, Shang Bo thought, if this continues, his father will definitely be coerced and controlled by this group of kidnappers, and he cannot just wait here to die. Bravely, he shouted to the kidnappers: "If this continues, people will die. If people die, my father will not give money." The kidnappers untied the rope around Shang Bo's legs, and Shang Bo's legs were free. After the gangster walked away, Champo spit out the cotton cloth in his mouth and broke the rope. Now he can move. While the kidnappers were dozing off, he sneaked out through the crack in the door and happened to meet an old man coming out to use the toilet in the middle of the night. The kind-hearted old man called the police, and finally the police caught the kidnappers.

Bravery means that a person can actively respond to various emergencies, not panic when encountering difficulties, and can find ways to save himself or ask for help from others. Just like Champo, if he had cried and made a fuss in the car as soon as he was caught, he might have died long ago. On the contrary, Shang Bo's actual approach can be called brave.

Bravery is a good quality that children should have. Bravery, like hard work, is also a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Every child, whether in study or in life, must be brave if he wants to succeed. Guiding children to develop brave and good qualities from an early age is an important part of family education . As a parent, how should we cultivate the good qualities of bravery in our children?

(1) Provide role model education to children. Role model education is very effective for children. In the process of pursuing the truth, many heroes can show courageous qualities when encountering difficulties and dangers, which is admirable. These are places worth learning for children.

Children's outlook on life, moral values, personality and habits are gradually formed under the influence of various environments. This is a long and complex process. In this process, children especially need the care and support of their parents. As a parent, you should guide your children to develop the habit of being brave, tell more stories about heroes with great wisdom and courage, and guide your children to learn the brave qualities of heroes.

(2) Let children have correct thoughts and establish lofty ideals. From a psychological point of view, a child's thoughts affect the formation of his personality and habits. If children have the idea of ​​serving society and the people since childhood, then they are likely to develop brave habits.

(3) Teach by words and deeds, and create a good environment for children. Every behavior of parents will have a profound impact on their children's development of brave habits. There is an old Chinese saying that goes, "Tiger fathers have no dog sons." Children's habits are greatly influenced by their parents, because in life, parents are the closest and most trusted people to children, and they are also the people they spend the longest time with. Therefore, parents must bravely assume various responsibilities towards others, the family, the collective, and society in their lives, and do not leave their children with a sense of "everyone sweeps the snow in front of their own door, and does not care about the frost on other people's tiles". "impression. When guests come to the home, children should be encouraged to take the initiative to greet and entertain them, and talk to the guests bravely. If they have conflicts with other children, they should be encouraged to reconcile with the other party bravely. Children should be encouraged to actively participate in activities carried out by the school. Children should be encouraged to participate in the activities at home. Children express their opinions.In this way, by creating a good environment for children, their brave character will gradually be formed in the practice of learning and living.