01 A mother was so angry that she was hospitalized after tutoring her child with homework. Recently, a mother was angry and anxious while tutoring her 8-year-old son with homework. She suddenly felt numbness in her limbs and her hands spasmed like chicken claws. He was sent to th


A mother was so angry that she was hospitalized after helping her child with homework

Recently, a mother became angry and anxious while tutoring her 8-year-old son with homework. She suddenly felt numbness in her limbs and her hands spasmed like chicken claws. He was sent to the hospital and diagnosed with "hyperventilation syndrome." This incident aroused heated discussion among parents, and also made everyone once again pay attention to the importance of family education in .


Reasons why children procrastinate in homework

Among the visitors received by Wanqing Psychological Education, nearly a quarter of the cases where children are tired of studying and procrastinate in homework account for nearly a quarter. Homework problems mostly occur in elementary school, and many parents cry out. :

The child writes homework too slowly and cannot finish it on time. Even if I sit next to him and stare at him while he writes, the child is still scratching his head. What is going on?

Generally speaking, there are the following five reasons.

First, lack of organization in learning

Children lack methods for learning and cannot plan homework reasonably, resulting in low efficiency.

Second, excessive pursuit of perfection

Children feel that no matter how they write, they feel that it is not good enough, and they often show repeated corrections and rewriting.

Third, poor learning foundation

Children have difficulty completing homework, writing will be very difficult, and they will feel more frustrated.

Fourth, deliberately dilly-dallying

Children don’t want to do their homework, and some “go against” their parents. Most of these children are more controlled by their parents, receive less praise, and are more rebellious.

Fifth, inattention

Children are always attracted by other things and cannot concentrate on completing homework. At the same time, they are also weak in time management.


So what should parents do?

1. Establish a good parent-child relationship and create a good learning atmosphere.

When parents accompany their children to do homework, they should not make their children feel pressured. They can read a book or write some plans beside them, so that the children can feel that adults are also studying. This gives children a positive psychological hint that "everyone is studying seriously".

2. Positively guiding children is to teach them the initiative in learning.

Parents must first understand that learning and homework are their children's own business. Parents should not interrupt their children at will, let alone constantly criticize them. Children need to calm down and take responsibility for their own studies. Instead of creating stress and negative emotions for children.

3. Improve the level of family education and grasp the rules of children's physical and mental development.

Children have different personalities and different receptiveness to learning: some children are unable to learn, some children are repelled by learning and homework because they have been hit before, and some children do not like the teacher, etc., which will affect the child's ability to write homework.

----Wanqing's message on psychological education----

Relationship is greater than education. Parents must first establish a good parent-child relationship with their children.

Secondly, only by finding the real reason why the child is slow in writing homework and prescribing the right medicine can we help the child correct it.

Again, parents should master certain educational methods to help their children improve their learning drive and develop good habits.


Raising children is like planting flowers. Parents must first understand their children's characteristics and learn the correct parenting methods. When you can't solve the problem yourself, seek help from professionals in a timely manner.

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