In fact, about 70% of public places do not have dedicated mother and baby rooms, so mothers have to breastfeed in public places in order to appease their babies and take care of them.

Have you ever understood the sadness of a mother?

In fact, about 70% of public places do not have dedicated mother and baby rooms, so mothers have to breastfeed in public places in order to appease their babies and take care of them.

But this kind of behavior is actually called immoral by the new era. They judged them with all kinds of bad words, "shameless", "disgusting", "go home", "does your husband know"...

Alia once posted a picture of breastfeeding on social platforms The photo triggered online violence. Some people scolded her for being too shameful and damaging the country's image, but she responded, "As long as my child needs it, I am willing to breastfeed anywhere."

It is sad that in the 21st century, people have received higher education, but it is difficult to understand or even respect breastfeeding mothers.

"You are so shameless, you actually breastfeed in public!" The comic tells the bitterness behind the mother's back

wrote Finally

For the sake of "mother", don't criticize education. At this time, they are most helpless and fearful. I also hope that more and more mothers and babies will be able to provide convenient help to mothers.