When we talk about life, we do not mean that human life and destiny must be separated. Xing is the root and life is the fruit. Only when the roots are taken root can the fruit be produced. Everyone has good and evil, a kind side by nature, and an evil side. The purpose of educati

When we talk about life, we do not mean human life.

Sex and life must be separated.

Sex is the root, life is the fruit.

Only by taking root can the results be achieved.

"Xing" is connected with "life".

People can only fix "Xing". Only then can we establish our "fate"

Everyone has good and evil

There is a kind side in nature, and there is also an evil side

The purpose of education is to help everyone "eliminate evil and promote good"

Get rid of animal instincts and establish the brilliance of human nature

This is what we are going to talk about today: "Changing one's nature and establishing one's life"

Transforming one's nature and establishing one's life starts from children

The development of people's character often begins in childhood. Children are the most easily affected by the external environment. The so-called "Three-year-olds tell you how old you are, and seven-year-olds tell you how old you are." A child's performance in childhood can affect his or her future life.

Human beings are born with three natures: nature, disposition, and habits. Nature is given innately. "At the beginning of human beings, their nature is good." People are pure and good from the time they are born. Temperament is given by people and is inherited from generation to generation. Anger, resentment, annoyance, etc. are the temperament. Habits are acquired habits and hobbies, whether good or bad, which are acquired by the environment and acquired through daily exposure. Habits are "red when near vermilion, black when near ink".

Xunzi said: "In the midst of hemp, it will stand straight without support; in the midst of white sand, it will turn black." The influence of a good environment on the healthy growth of children is self-evident.

Summer vacation is the longest free time for children outside of class, and it is also the golden period for children’s character development. Introverted children may become withdrawn and silent if they are not in contact with the outside world, and extroverted children may become more difficult to control and develop a series of bad habits.

Everyone should have heard the story of Zhongyong's injury. Parents who neglect their children's growth during the summer may damage their children's "nature" and make their originally talented children "lost to everyone else."

During the summer vacation, children’s education must not be relaxed.

Parents do not have time to take care of their children. If children are allowed to be free, big troubles may occur!

Careful parents will notice that when the summer vacation comes, their children will become a little different from usual. No one is taking care of their studies, and they see less of their friends. They can only face their parents at home, and they feel like they have nothing to do all of a sudden.

There is no holiday for learning and growth. Parents should help their children set growth goals through the summer vacation, so that children can "be determined with less". The Southern Song Dynasty philosopher Zhu Xi once said: To learn a hundred things, one must first be determined. This means that before learning a skill, you must set high aspirations, set learning goals, and be prepared to endure hardships and stand hard work for learning.

Puming's "Happy Boys·Happy Girls" traditional cultural theme summer camp is about to open, helping children reshape their outlook on life, find confidence and methods for learning, cultivate correct knowledge and opinions, and develop lofty ambitions.

Click on the picture below to learn about summer camp information

Participate in the Puming Traditional Culture Theme Summer Camp

Let children get better opportunities to grow this summer