The necessary process of raising a child, the child cries and acts mischievously, refuses to dress properly, refuses to pick up lost things, refuses to eat well, refuses to walk, clamoring for a certain toy when he sees it, etc. Waiting for deeds, mothers will really break down e

The necessary process of raising a child, the child cries and behaves, refuses to dress properly, refuses to pick up lost things, refuses to eat well, refuses to walk, clamoring for a certain toy when he sees it, etc. Waiting for the deeds, mothers will really break down easily. Beating and scolding is a way for many parents to vent their anger.

Today I will share with you an effective method that I have used to change the crying of children.

1⃣️Learn to give up. Give up your identity as an adult

For a two- or three-year-old baby, your thinking itself is unequal. Adults generally behave

to be reasonable ❌ completely wrong.

Hitting and scolding ❌ will only make her cry harder

Ignoring ❌ will only let her know that she doesn't feel safe.

Coaxing ❌ will only let her catch your weakness and keep repeating her behavior.

2⃣️ Learn to be on the same level with her

Give up the identity of an adult. At this time, you are also a big child. What you have to learn is

Learn to show weakness ✅

How to do it? First, we need to understand the reason for her crying and prescribe the right medicine.

For example, this morning, my grandma brought her a dress, but because it was not a skirt, she refused to wear it and kept saying no. At this time, I would pretend to cry and keep chanting She said: "Youzi doesn't want the clothes bought by mom anymore. I'm so sad." Grandma would say from the side: "Hurry up and hug mom. Mom is crying. Tell mom quickly that I want the clothes." It lasted for two or three days. Finally, she gave in, hugged me, kissed me, and said she knew how to get dressed.

For another example, one time she lost her temper and threw something far away. I wanted her to cut it back, but she didn't want to and asked me to pick it up. At this time, I would tell her: "My feet hurt and I can't walk." , you come over first, support your mother, and go pick it up with her." She thought for a while, then hesitated, and I said, "Look if your mother can't walk, just help her." It didn't take long for her to come down. Help me, I haven't knelt down to pick up the things, I have already picked them up.

Give yourself some time to buffer your emotions✅

When she loses her temper, you can take a deep breath and pause for 30 seconds, stabilize your mood, and think of a strategy to start your performance. Don't Swearing at the beginning will only make you angrier and make you unable to think.

3⃣️Expression of love

After processing, you need to express love in time. There are many ways to express love: hugging, saying that I love you, liking you, and letting her know that no matter what, you will always be with her.

❤️I believe that in the future she will be a baby who is empathetic, considerate and able to control her emotions❤️h