When a mother takes care of her baby, the elders or relatives around her often say: Oh, this baby is very well-behaved and doesn't usually cry. This baby will definitely come down to repay the favor! In the concept of elders, if a child does not like to cry, make noise, or pick t

When a mother takes care of her baby, the elders or relatives around her often say: Oh, this baby is very well-behaved and doesn't usually cry. This baby will definitely come down to repay the favor!

In the concept of elders, if a child does not like to cry, make trouble, or pick things, it means that the child is obedient, has a good personality, and will be a good thing in the future.

In fact, no matter who you are, you want to have a child to repay your kindness. All mothers are very afraid of having children just to avenge this. Such children often cause mothers great pain.

So, how to know whether the child is seeking revenge or repaying a favor? It can be roughly known from the following four aspects.

First of all, we need to see how the child's sleep quality is.

Everyone knows that children's sleep time is often reversed between day and night, which often troubles adults. Some children cry when they wake up in the middle of the night, which later makes the mother unable to sleep well. But the children who came to repay their kindness were really like angels. Even if they were awake, their mothers would pat or coax them to fall asleep, and they would sleep soundly. Even some babies are very well-behaved and stay up all night, giving mothers enough time to sleep, which really brings great convenience.

But the revenge babies are different. They are like demons and cannot escape from the hands of adults. Once they are put on the bed, they suddenly wake up, then cry non-stop, and cannot escape from the hands of adults at all. They can perform a unique skill for you at any time that will make you cry when you put it down.

The second aspect is to see if the baby is eating well.

When the baby grows up, breastfeeding can no longer meet his needs and requires more complementary foods. Mothers don't have to worry at all when their children are eating. They are not picky and are very obedient when eating, which saves adults a lot of worry.

But the babies who came to take revenge were different. The mothers seemed to have experienced world war when feeding their children. Not only are they picky eaters but they are also naughty, and it is extremely difficult for them to eat.

In the third aspect, let’s take a look at the state of the baby’s free activities.

In the free activities, the difference between the baby who repays kindness and the baby who takes revenge is instantly revealed. The repaying babies are also very quiet and well-behaved under free control. They are like angels and do not require adults to worry about them too much. Adults can also do many things of their own while they are playing.

But the revenge baby is different. Adults only need to lift their feet, and the baby who is about to leave will cry and fuss. Even if they are given toys to play with, they only enjoy them for three minutes and throw them aside after playing with them. They have a unique skill called lion roar. Once their hearts were gone, their roars were loud enough for the entire room to hear.

The fourth aspect is to see whether the child is healthy.

Babies who repay kindness have higher resistance and are less likely to get sick. Don't make adults worry too much about it, and the baby will be in better health.

But the debt collector's child is completely at the other extreme. He doesn't go home for three days, and the hospital seems to be his own. They can become sick for a variety of reasons, including changes in weather or diet. He fell ill after just three days in kindergarten, and his parents often had to take leave home to take special care of them. So let them take revenge on the baby. This life is all about collecting debts.

Every family has different understanding of babies. Some people say that his family is a vengeful treasure, which often makes him exhausted mentally and sometimes on the verge of collapse. But some families regard their children as objects of repayment, thinking that no matter how their children look like, they will be their pistachios, little cotton-padded jackets and pride in this life.

Actually, I want to say something here. No matter whether the children are seeking revenge or repaying kindness, they are the apple of their parents' hearts and eyes. Parents should try their best to give them the warmest care. Never blame them because they do not perform well in certain aspects, nor should they get caught up in worries and induce some negative emotions. Never compare your own children with other people’s children. Each child has different strengths. So parents, do you know?