The Legend of Hawthorn Country - The sour food of the five flavors of food. Hello, parents and friends of Chinese medicine parenting. If parents learn Chinese medicine, their children will be blessed; if children learn Chinese medicine, they will be healthy and have fun; if paren

Legend of Hawthorn Country - Five Flavor Foods Sour Foods

Dear parents and friends of Chinese medicine and parenting, hello.

When parents learn Chinese medicine, their children will be blessed;

When children learn Chinese medicine, they will be healthy and have fun;

When parents and children learn Chinese medicine, their relationship will be sweeter;

When every family learns Chinese medicine, it is China’s great plan.

is very happy to tell you that following "The True Gentleman's Melon - The Bitter Food of the Five Flavors", today, "The Legend of Hawthorn Country - The Sour Food of the Five Flavors" is available to you.

The following is a reference for course study:

First, watch the short animation of traditional Chinese medicine.

Parents should accompany their children to watch this issue of TCM animation videos.

Then, guide the children to think or discuss together:

1. How did the Guozi family come to Hawthorn Country? Which tour group were they on?

2, how do the and hawthorn of Hawthorn Country welcome everyone?

3. In the team, what is the role of the girl Xiaoxue this time, and what specific work is she responsible for?

4. The boy is very sick. What are the symptoms?

5. Analyze, why do boys suffer from indigestion?

6. What does hawthorn taste like?

7, can you tell me about the hawthorn foods at Hawthorn Junior High School? Try to name these foods.

8. Think about it, what foods made from hawthorn have you eaten?

9. Why does Mr. Dongfang praise Guozi’s parents?

10. Why does Mr. Dongfang criticize Guozi’s parents?

11. Tell me, what are the functions of hawthorn?

12. What should you pay attention to when eating hawthorn? Have you done it?

13. What are the five flavors of food?

14. Generally speaking, what are the functions of sour food?

15. Can you name any other sour foods?

Second, read the traditional Chinese medicine picture book

Parents accompany their children to read Volume 2, Chapter 13 "Acid".

1. Chinese medicine children's song that recites "Acid" .

2. Imitate the scenes in the picture books. Parents and children can imitate and act out them together.

3. If possible, buy a bunch of candied haws , or boil some hawthorn water and try it with your family.

Third, Chinese medicine nourishes the country’s children, and Chinese medicine is Chinese.

Parents are good fathers and mothers by practicing traditional Chinese medicine, and their children are healthy doctors, small traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, small Bian Que, and small Huatuo .

cultivate healthy living habits, spread healthy and civilized family traditions, and build a healthy Chinese family.

Combined with the study of sour foods in this traditional Chinese medicine animation, parents can guide their children to pay attention to the five flavors and four properties of food on the dinner table in a timely manner, and they can also make some sour foods appropriately in this hot summer.

Everyone must be the first person responsible for health, and this good health habit and health awareness need to be developed and established from childhood.

Dear parents and friends, today the series of courses of the Chinese Medicine Parenting and Healthy Family 365 Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Care series has been updated with "The Legend of Hawthorn Country - Sour Foods of Five Flavors".

Next, we will further bring more knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine four qi and five flavors , so stay tuned. Here is

, let me add a little more.

Generally speaking, the effects of sour food are:

1. Sour food helps digestion, increases appetite, and strengthens the spleen and appetite.

Sour food increases the acidity of gastric juice, helps sterilize and aid digestion.

2. Sour food can reduce astringency, astringent sweat remove dampness

sour food can reduce sweat, stop diarrhea and remove dampness, and can produce body fluids and quench thirst.

3. Sour food enters the liver and helps strengthen liver function.

For those who suffer from liver deficiency symptoms and liver fatigue, sour food can be described as a good auxiliary medicine.

4. Sour food can also

Of course, there is a certain degree to the consumption of any food.

If you eat too much sour food, it may cause indigestion, especially in spring, which will lead to excessive liver qi, damage the liver and reduce the function of the spleen and stomach; especially those with strong liver function, those with excessive gastric acid, those with sour taste Food can only have side effects; it may also make teeth and bones fragile...

The sour food provided at the end of the traditional Chinese medicine animation is suitable for sour food in summer. The reference is as follows:

Most of them are fruits, such as tomatoes and lemons. , strawberry , black plum , grape, hawthorn, pineapple, mango, kiwi , etc.

Finally, here is a little joke in the appendix, from "The Analects of Confucius".

Confucius said: "What do you call a person who is humble and upright? Or he may beg for alms and ask his neighbors to give it to him."

Confucius said: Who said Wei Sheng Gao is an upright person? Someone asked him for some jealousy, but he didn't have it at home, but he didn't say he didn't have it. Instead, he asked his neighbors for it and gave it to others.

Here, Confucius hoped that all moral principles could be restored to the basis of true feelings and based on truth and objectivity.

may seem like a joke, but in fact there is a truth to it. The foundation of goodness and beauty should be truth, not deception.

Some pictures come from the Internet and have been deleted.

Original author: Teacher Dunmin, a member of the Guo Xueer parent-child TCM parenting 365 healthy family health course team.

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