Parents often ask: What are the benefits of insisting on sports training for our children? In fact, there are many benefits. If we carry out more sports training for children, we can promote the child's brain development to a great extent, and insisting on sports training will al

Parents often ask: What are the benefits of insisting on sports training for our children?

actually has many benefits. If we carry out more sports training for children, we can promote the child's brain development to a great extent. Moreover, insisting on sports training will also be of great help to the development of children's language ability, spatial ability, attention and many other aspects.

For autistic children, controlling emotions is a huge problem. Children often cannot control their emotions, and it is difficult for some bad emotions to be completely vented. Even if children are vented, they often choose Some inappropriate methods.

Allowing children to exercise more and allowing moderate exercise training to replace the bad behaviors of venting bad emotions is an effective way to help children vent their bad emotions and improve their mood and bad behavior problems.

So since exercise has so many benefits and is an indispensable part of children's physical and mental development, and in addition, the motor development of autistic children is generally three to five years later than that of normal children, Therefore, we parents must be more Pay attention to sports training and use sports training methods to help children develop.

Family Training Diary

During this period, I can hold the railing on my own and go down the stairs every day, and I will actively hold my mother's hand when going up the stairs.

lasted 30 minutes while riding the twist bike , and about 10 minutes while riding the balance bike . After that, played on the swing and also played for 15 minutes. The child has made great progress in sports compared to before.

Contest Dad said

. Regarding children’s sports training, it can actually be said to be the most basic training.

Many contents in the training are actually small things in life. Our family intervention training makes good use of these small things in life and creates big returns. With the intervention of parents day after day, the sports situation has improved greatly. This is what we all hope to see.

. We provide children with large-scale sports training, which can promote their brain development.

Whether it is a special child or an ordinary child during the development process, movements are the source of all knowledge. This fully emphasizes the significance of movement development to development.

In the long-term practice of Tiantian’s mother, we can also see that Tiantian’s ability has improved to a certain extent after long-term exercise training.

. The most important thing about exercise is to promote physical health.

Some autistic children are in poor physical condition, and parents are afraid of what may happen to their children and neglect to exercise. This will lead to some children being shorter or too obese than children of the same age.

Our extensive exercise training for children can not only effectively promote blood circulation and improve body metabolism, but also promote the growth and development of children. After all, maintaining a healthy body for children is the basis of all intervention training.

Our suggestions

Parents should pay attention to three aspects when conducting sports training for their children: have methods, observe frequently, and record more.

. There are methods - pay attention to the teaching strategies in training

(1) Principle of parent participation: Parents are the people most familiar with autistic children. Parents can assist children in training. This aspect can reduce autistic children's unfamiliarity with strangers. The fear of the environment can also reduce the running-in time between autistic children and trainers. On the other hand, parents' one-on-one training assistance to their children can also bring better intervention effects to their children.

(2) Use concise language guidance: Autistic children are relatively weak in understanding language, so our parents should use short and clear commands to guide their children to exercise during training intervention. At the same time, we parents should also pay attention The cadence of the intonation will have a better effect.

(3) Visual prompt assistance: Children with autism are more sensitive to visual information . Therefore, it is recommended that our parents use more action demonstrations or picture demonstrations during training intervention to allow children to learn and understand the action process. At the same time, this method is also more effective. Captures attention and keeps them focused on learning content.

. Observe diligently - carefully observe the performance of children in training

(1) Children's activities are characterized by fatigue and quick recovery, so we should pay more attention to observing children in life and training to facilitate understanding and mastering The intensity of the child's exercise acceptance, and at the same time, attention should be paid to the reasonable arrangement of the intensity and density of exercise training according to the child's body acceptance ability and movement characteristics, so that effective intervention training can be obtained on the basis of what the child can accept.

(2) The training content should be diversified. Sports training should not be the repetition of a single action. It should penetrate the training goals in other fields based on observing the child's ability to accept learning. Such as: understanding orientation and developing language, etc., especially language training should be carried out throughout.

. Multiple records - record changes in children's training and make timely adjustments

(1) The recorded content should include both physical and psychological aspects. Physiological changes include the content of exercise, the appropriateness of exercise training methods, the child's degree of exercise adaptation, etc. The psychological changes include whether the child's perception, cognition, language communication and other abilities have been improved during the training process.

(2) Regularly analyze and organize the recorded content, and constantly adjust the plan so that children can develop to a greater extent. Parents should set new goals for their children and add new content in a timely manner based on their own records and observations, so that their children can constantly surpass themselves.

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