Many mothers will divide their babies into two categories. The first category is angel babies, which are here to repay a favor. They are easy to take care of during the day and rarely take night feeds at night. The mothers' sleep at night will not be greatly affected. The other t

Many mothers will divide their babies into two categories. The first category is angel babies, which are here to repay a favor. They are easy to take care of during the day and rarely take night milk at night. The mothers' sleep at night will not be greatly affected. The other type comes to collect debts. They are difficult to take care of during the day and wake up frequently at night. The mother feeds her at night until she collapses. It is too luxurious to sleep peacefully for a full night.

In fact, there is a reason why babies frequently wake up at night to take night feeds, and there are rules to follow. As long as mothers master the rules and reduce the number of night feeds, they will be able to wake up less often at night, which is also good for the baby's health. .

A newborn baby spends almost all the day sleeping. His stomach capacity is very small, so he needs to "eat less and more often", and he often wakes up at night to ask for milk. When the baby is 6 months old, he will start to eat complementary foods, and the number of night feedings will also be reduced, preferably no more than twice. However, every baby's development is different, and the mother should decide according to the specific situation. Pediatric experts suggest that the frequency of night feeding varies with age. If you are over 9 months old, you should not feed your baby night feeding. Giving your baby night feeding too frequently at night is detrimental to your baby's health.

However, some babies wake up frequently at night, cry incessantly if they are not fed, and no matter how much they are coaxed, they only take one or two bites each time and then stop eating, which makes the mother very crazy. In this case, mothers must not let their babies "play nonsense" and must intervene. When it’s time to quit night feeding, you must quit. Mothers can refer to the following two methods.

1: Forced weaning

At a certain age, the baby no longer needs to drink night milk, so it is forcibly weaned off. The baby may not accept it and will cry to resist, but mothers may not bear to watch their babies cry.

2: Ease the withdrawal of night milk

Mothers can record the night milk situation of their babies to judge how many times the baby needs to eat night milk in a night. Some night milks are not necessary. The baby just gets comfort in this way, so eat If night feeding is just for comfort, it can be replaced by other methods.

Mothers can also slowly quit night feeding by feeding water, feeding their babies milk mixed with water, and reducing the amount of milk. These methods are also relatively gentle. The advantage is that the baby is easy to accept. The trouble is that it takes a long time, which is a test for the mother. At what age did your baby wean off night feeding? Welcome to leave a message and share.