This article was originally created by Dou Ma Ai Nao Dao. All rights reserved. Any infringement will be prosecuted. I believe that many people have recently been hit by a surveillance video of a father beating his son. As a parent, after watching the video of the atrocities of th

This article was originally created by Douma Aitao . All rights reserved. Any infringement will be prosecuted.

I believe that many people have been hit by a surveillance video of a father beating his son recently.

As a parent, after watching the video of the father's violence against his child, he was so angry that his hands shook.

The incident happened in Ningbo, Zhejiang. A surveillance camera captured a man violently assaulting his wife and children at home.

In the picture, the father was very excited for some unknown reason. Then, he jumped up and kicked the child in his wife's arms without mercy. He seemed to have forgotten that this poor and ignorant child was only 2 years old. .

Before he could stop after kicking him, the man kicked his son two meters away with both feet. His wife and mother rushed forward to stop him, but the man still didn't give up. He even wanted to pick up his son and throw him to the ground.

"Bring me a knife!" After being stopped by his family, the man turned around and walked towards the kitchen. His mother quickly followed behind and closed the kitchen door to prevent her son from doing more extreme things in his extreme emotions. After the surveillance footage of

was exposed, the man’s violent behavior towards a young child was condemned by countless netizens. Many people angrily expressed that they were born to be human and could do such a cruel thing to their own sons. This shows that the man has lost the most basic knowledge. of humanity.

“ How can such a person be qualified to be a father if he can do such cruel things to his 2-year-old biological son?”

“ I’m really angry. I should keep this surveillance video and wait until the father gets old before showing it to his son. Look, what you did to me back then is what I do to you now. "

" My daughter is also 2 years old, and my husband can’t bear the pain. How can this father not let go of his anger even if something big happens? When it comes to children, this kind of person is, to put it bluntly, incompetent!”

In addition to angrily criticizing domestic violence, netizens also feel more sorry for and sympathize with young children.

Although he is only 2 years old, the violent treatment by his biological father is very likely to leave an indelible shadow in the child's heart.

After the incident, the man who domestically abused the child was also summoned to the case by the police. After investigation, it was found that the man and his wife had a conflict over trivial family matters. During the quarrel, the man lost control of his emotions, and then began to beat his 2-year-old son.

In this outrageous domestic violence case, we heard a very familiar word, that is, "emotional loss of control."

Being out of control is not an excuse to do evil. In addition to morbid reasons, parents' inability to control their emotions not only puts themselves in an extreme environment, but is also easily affected by extreme emotions, and then makes irrational actions towards their family members.

For children who are not yet mentally mature, this kind of behavior from their parents is also a serious harm to their physical and mental development.

How important is parents’ emotional stability to their children?

1. Parents’ emotional stability is conducive to the formation of children’s good character.

The formation of children’s character is largely affected by parents and family environment. Parents with good emotional control ability will have relatively more rational and gentle characters. .

Under the influence of parents, children's personality development will not be very paranoid. When affected by negative emotions, they will calmly deal with it.

2. Parents' emotional stability is conducive to the harmony and stability of the family atmosphere.

It is common for couples to have quarrels and conflicts, but the method used to resolve conflicts also reflects a person's emotional control ability.

If both parties can retain appropriate rationality in fierce disputes and handle problems in a harmonious and calm manner, then the family atmosphere will be relatively stable for the children.

A stable family atmosphere will bring a sense of security and happiness to children. On the contrary, if couples often get into trouble or even fight over trivial matters, then the child's personality will change in such a family atmosphere. Becoming timid and withdrawn.

3. Parents whose emotions are stable will not easily let their children go to extremes when things happen.

Every word and deed of parents is a mirror for their children. Influenced by their original family, many children obviously hate their parents' behavior, but they copy it unknowingly in their lives. parents’ behavior.

When parents cannot control their emotions rationally, children will often imitate their parents and use violence to solve the emotional problems they encounter in life when they grow up. Once this kind of violence becomes difficult to control, it will go to extremes.

The topic of this issue is

If your partner engages in domestic violence against your children, would you choose to divorce? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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