Introduction: Children are the future of a family. In order to make their children become outstanding people, many parents have attached great importance to their children’s education since childhood. After all, only by receiving better quality teaching can they have the possibil


Children are the future of a family. In order to make their children become excellent people, many parents have attached great importance to their children’s education since childhood. After all, only by receiving better quality teaching can they become outstanding talents. possibilities, and the first step that children need to take in the process of education is to enter kindergarten to learn , where children can come into contact with more peers, help children develop social skills , and they also need to leave Parents studying and living outside can also give their children a certain amount of training in their children's self-care abilities. Generally speaking, education in kindergarten is one of the most critical periods for a person's life-long growth. Only Develop good living and study habits at an early age so that your personality can be correctly guided so that you can grow up healthily in the future.

Choosing a suitable kindergarten for their children has become the biggest worry for many parents.

Parents always feel too entangled when choosing a kindergarten for their children. This is because they know that education in this period will have far-reaching consequences for their children. Impact, only letting children enter a relatively high-quality kindergarten can ensure the healthy growth of children. However, there are many kindergartens that parents can choose from now. How to make the most correct choice among these schools has become the need of many parents. Faced with the difficulties, they need to analyze various factors and constantly compare them with other schools, so as to select the school with the highest cost performance and guaranteed teaching quality.

In addition to public kindergartens, parents can also choose private schools, , but most people should tend to send their children to public schools, , after all, these schools for little The assessment of teachers is relatively strict, and they also have relatively scientific and correct concepts in children's education. More importantly, the fees of these schools are relatively cheaper, most of which are around one thousand yuan. It is indeed the best choice for families with average conditions, but these schools have limited places, and sometimes their children may lose the opportunity to attend these schools, so they can only choose private schools, but private schools often have many shortcomings Some parents even directly called for the closure of these private kindergartens What is going on?

Private kindergarten may be "closed"? Parents join the army of suggestions, and the official responds!

Private kindergartens are obviously privately run schools. Compared with public schools, there will definitely be many differences, but obviously parents prefer public schools, and even hope that these private kindergartens cannot continue to operate. , this is the result of the various shortcomings of private schools.

1. The phenomenon of arbitrary fees is serious.

The biggest difference between many private kindergartens and public schools is that fees are more expensive. The amount you need to pay to enroll in a private school is at least 6,000 yuan. Compared with public schools It has indeed increased several times. Most ordinary families cannot afford . After all, this is consistent with the charging standards of many universities. In addition to extremely expensive fees, private kindergartens also have a lot of arbitrary charges . In addition to charging tuition fees from parents, they also require students to pay catering fees, school uniform fees and even other teaching fees which cannot be ruled out. These kindergartens use various excuses to charge extra fees. However, this is also because there are no clear regulations on the charging standards for private kindergartens. Parents can only pay all the fees required by the kindergarten.

2. The educational philosophy is not scientific enough

In addition, many parents also believe that the teaching philosophy advocated by private schools when teaching students is also very different from that of public schools. This is also because Private schools need to obtain sufficient income to operate. , the boss needs to benefit from it, so it is natural to let the children get relatively good results or have excellent performance during the enrollment period to persuade the parents to continue to let their children study in this kindergarten , so in terms of teaching, it will focuses more on student performance rather than entertaining. And children in public kindergartens will obviously learn knowledge in happiness, and do not need to be forced by teachers to master some additional knowledge. They can also develop their comprehensive abilities while playing.

Many children who graduated from public kindergartens may not have performed well in learning when they first became primary school students because they did not study much textbook knowledge at all when they were in kindergarten. And children in private kindergartens will obviously perform better in first and second grade. Perhaps this is also because they have learned some knowledge in advance in kindergarten. Knowledge of these children simply does not have the ability to take the initiative to learn. Also they have not developed the habit of more self-discipline because they are all forced, so as their grades increase, their performance will become worse .

Summary: Teaching in kindergarten is obviously very important for the growth of children, so parents really need to be more cautious when choosing a kindergarten. They need to consider various factors such as the school's fees and teaching philosophy. , Try to let your children enter a relatively high-quality kindergarten , which will have a positive impact on the children's future learning and the development of living habits.