What is a maternal and infant nurse? Everyone knows about the profession of confinement nanny, but some senior people call it maternal and infant nurse. Moreover, this profession has become very popular in recent years. It is also an emerging profession. Nowadays, it is not only

What is a maternal and infant nurse? Everyone knows about the profession of confinement nanny, but some senior people call it maternal and infant nurse. Moreover, this profession has become very popular in recent years. It is also an emerging profession. Nowadays, it is not only middle-aged people over forty years old. To do this profession, even many colleges and universities are offering this major one after another. Its main job responsibility is to care for newborns and postpartum mothers.

In fact, the above situation is also caused by the general improvement of family conditions. People are also enjoying life more and more. Those with slightly better family conditions will choose confinement centers and confinement clubs to spend their 3rd and 4th period of confinement, and some families invite confinement sisters to take care of them at home. The working hours are generally one month, which is after the sub-period . However, the work is very hard, and I can't sleep well almost every day. The work of taking care of the baby and the mother is tedious and stressful, so the salary is relatively high. So how do we choose a more suitable confinement nanny when we spend so much money on a nanny? Today, come on, I think a senior maternal and child care nurse will tell you how to choose.

 1. Working years

First of all, let’s ask about the working years first. Don’t ask what they know, because the answers are basically the same. Instead, we must judge his personal ability through her actual working years.

2. Work experience

For example, how to solve the most difficult time of breastfeeding, how to deal with the most severe colic of the baby, and what kind of postpartum meal should the mother take for qi and blood deficiency.

 3. Personality Observation

 The first confinement nanny in our family is more worried and impatient than me when her baby cannot feed, and her negative energy can make you cry at any time. Therefore, a confinement nanny must have a gentle personality and be particularly patient. What’s the point of being professional if you don’t have patience?

4. Cooking skills

The main thing is to see if there is anything you like to eat. Not all standard confinement meals are suitable for you. After all, in addition to supplementing nutrition, whetting your appetite is the key.

  5. Be caring

  Briefly understand the aunt’s family. Aunts have love themselves, so they will take good care of strange little lives. Money alone cannot support the care other than the confinement nanny's career. Our aunt later gave me the feeling that she doted on the baby more than our baby's father. You can't fool anyone if you like this feeling.

  6. Check the documents

Whether there is an ID card , health certificate , confinement nanny certificate, prolactinologist certificate, etc., and then agree on the trial period and sign the contract.

7. Service time

The best time is forty-two days, which can solve the problem of breastfeeding and the crying period of colic, and new mothers can also learn the experience of raising a baby.

  Come on, old and young would like to remind everyone to make a reservation as soon as possible after choosing the confinement nanny of your choice, because good confinement nanny is more popular and easy to be selected quickly. The above is some experience related to selection summarized by experienced babysitters. I hope it can help everyone.