There are more and more teenagers with learning problems, and their impact on society is also growing. There used to be parents around me who didn't know what to do when their children were rebellious, and then they were very distressed. They complained to me every day about what


There are more and more problem teenagers, and their impact on society is also growing. There used to be parents around me who didn't know what to do when their children were rebellious, and then they were very distressed. They complained to me every day about what to do with their children like this, and how can I solve this problem. Because his child does not obey the discipline of his parents at home, and even fights with his father, and refuses to listen to their reasons, which makes him increasingly confused about what to do.

I don’t know who I heard from people around me, but I heard that children can be sent to special training school , a school specifically for rebellious children. She said that she also had a friend who sent her children there and came back after half a year, completely changed, at home. He is also very obedient and takes the initiative to help us with housework. His academic performance has also improved, and he knows how to be grateful. Everything is getting better. So this friend of the editor went to inquire about any school and whether it could improve his child. He was hesitant, but in the end he and his husband discussed it for a long time and finally sent the child to a special training school. Although it was still I feel reluctant to let go of my children, but for the sake of my children’s future, I will eventually give up.

Experience the hardship of labor

After half a year, the editor asked my friend how your child is doing now. She told me that my child has completely changed. He will help us with housework when he comes home. Sometimes when he encounters When the time comes, they will communicate with us well, and they will no longer just make noises with us and not listen to us at all like before. I think this is a good change. Children can take the initiative to talk to us about their inner affairs and can talk to us. With good communication, I feel that my child has begun to get better and will definitely get better in the future.

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The editor believes that it is a big change for a rebellious child to start communicating with his parents. I believe that every parent thinks that as long as their children change just a little bit, they will feel very happy and believe that their children will be able to communicate with their parents. The future will gradually get better.