People call the first month after childbirth "confinement". In fact, after one month of adjustment, many organs in the body have recovered. For example, it takes about six weeks for the uterus to return to its previous size, and it also takes six weeks for the endometrium where t

People call the first month after childbirth " confinement ". In fact, after one month of adjustment, many organs of the body have recovered. For example, it takes about six weeks for the uterus club to return to its previous size, and it also takes the placenta attachment endometrium six weeks to regenerate. However, you still need to pay attention to some things during the confinement period, otherwise the mother's body will only become worse and worse.

html Five major precautions for care during the first month of pregnancy, diet accounts for three

For mothers, cannot eat whole eggs within a few hours after giving birth. In our country, there is a saying that eating eggs can produce milk. However, research has shown that it is best not for mothers to eat whole eggs during the period after giving birth. This is because the mother spends a lot of energy during the delivery process, sweats a lot, has less body fluids, and even her digestion ability will be reduced a lot.

If you eat eggs directly after delivery, it will be difficult to digest, and the gastrointestinal burden will become serious. In fact, if we go to the hospital and look at the mother's diet, we can learn that during this period, the mother should eat some semi-liquid or liquid food, so that problems are less likely to occur.

For mothers who have just given birth, they all like to drink some lactation soup. The most likely problem caused by this method is blocked breast ducts. Once the breasts become swollen, the pain will intensify, which is very detrimental to breastfeeding. Nutritional supplementation after delivery also needs to be decided based on the physical condition of the mother. Most women do not lack nutrients at all, so there is no need to supplement too much nutrition. Instead, it is better to eat a lighter diet.

It is best to drink more vegetable soup at this time, wait until five days later to drink the whole soup. In this regard, it is recommended that pregnant women drink vegetable soup. Pour the roots, flowers and fruits of various vegetables into the pot without adding any seasonings. This will make the soup taste fragrant. We can drink it as tea, and drinking vegetable soup on the day after delivery works wonders.

We can prepare some soybean sprouts, broccoli , green pepper, purple cabbage , loofah, zucchini and put them into the pot together, and then add some water. After all the vegetables are cooked, you can drink the soup. For pregnant women, do not drink pig's trotter soup, crucian carp soup while drinking vegetable soup, as this will only affect the effect of lactation.

Mothers can drink some light fish porridge within three days after giving birth. Of course, it is best to drink semi-liquid food or liquid food. Ancient doctors would advise mothers to eat more fish porridge, which can be paired with a plate of refreshing and delicious stir-fried vegetables to ensure bowel movement. In addition, millet porridge, egg soup, and noodles are better choices. After the mother's appetite improves, she can also take other supplements.

When you have a poor appetite, don't eat too greasy. Depending on your physical condition, you can drink a cup of hot milk sooner or later. Eat two eggs a day, and then slowly eat some shrimp, fish, and chicken. Vegetables and meat must be evenly distributed. Calcium, protein, and iron must be supplemented, and more dietary fiber must be supplemented. This can allow the mother's physical strength to recover, and the milk secretion speed will also become faster.

However, for mothers within a week, do not drink milk, soy milk, large amounts of sucrose and other flatulent foods, which will not be good for the mother's body.

Many pregnant women will wonder, when can I move during confinement? In fact, you can sit on the bed eight hours after giving birth. If the delivery goes smoothly, can get out of bed and go to the toilet twelve hours after delivery. You can move freely within 24 hours after delivery, but you also need to avoid standing for long periods of time, squatting frequently, and not doing heavy work, so as to avoid uterine prolapse .

After your physical condition is better, you can go for a walk outside. At this time, the mother's body is still in a weak state, so try not to walk too far. You can go for a walk in the park or climb the stairs with your family.Don't lie at home all the time, it won't help your body recover.

In addition, it is extremely important that except for family members, relatives and friends should not visit the mother too early. After giving birth, the mother needs to devote all her energy to rest. Relatives and friends should not visit the mother at this time. If you want to visit the mother, the time should not exceed half an hour, and try to give the mother as much rest time as possible. As for those relatives and friends with chronic diseases, do not come to see the mother, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

After all, mothers and babies are very weak at the moment. Once is invaded by germs, it will definitely not be a good thing for their physical recovery. After the mother's body has almost recovered, relatives and friends can come to visit. At this time, the mother can bear it.

Therefore, mothers must pay attention to taking care of their bodies during confinement. Only in this way can they ensure that their bodies do not have any problems. should not be careless about everything. Only in this way can be responsible for one's own body. At the same time, you also need to ensure that you are in a good mood and face everything in front of you in an optimistic way, which will be good for yourself.