The liberalization of the two-child policy has caused many couples to struggle with whether to have a second child. They feel that already having a baby increases the pressure on the family and whether having another baby will affect the quality of childcare, and they are in a di

The liberalization of the second-child policy has caused many couples to debate whether to have a second child. They feel that already having a baby increases the pressure on the family and whether having another baby will affect the quality of childcare, and they are in a dilemma. In fact, there are many aspects to consider when giving birth to a second child, and you should follow relevant suggestions. Don’t regret it after giving birth to a second child.

1. Complete the task before the age of 35

If you plan to have a second child, you should complete the task while you are young. As the body ages, the functions of many organs in the body decrease. After the age of 40, the capabilities of the ovaries and uterus of women decrease a lot, and the body's hormone levels also change. At this time, the chance of having children is lower than that of younger women.

In order to have a healthy body, high-quality sperm and eggs, you should be fully prepared on the premise of a plan, complete the task as soon as possible, and don't continue to delay. Some people wait until they are 40 years old to have a second child, which increases the risk of pregnancy and childbirth and is prone to gestational diabetes , high blood pressure , etc. For your own safety and the health of your baby, it is best to complete the task before the age of 35.

2. Do a good job in preparing for pregnancy

Couples who plan to have a second child should do a good job in preparing for pregnancy. This is also a suggestion to follow. Good physical conditions can make pregnancy less difficult, and your body will feel more relaxed after conception.

Some people have poor physical fitness and have health problems, including anemia, calcium deficiency, malnutrition, etc. These conditions will undoubtedly have an impact if they are pregnant. If you can carry out relevant examinations before preparing for pregnancy, solve any problems as soon as possible, and make adjustments from aspects such as work and rest, exercise, diet, etc., and then go for childbirth when your physical condition is good.

3. Eliminate nervousness

Couples who want to have a second child should maintain a good attitude. Some people are eager to welcome their second life, but there is no movement, and they may be in a state of tension and anxiety.

Couples who have already given birth to one child do not need to worry about their fertility problems. As long as the test results are normal, just let nature take its course. Choose to have sex at the right time, control the frequency, and release stress at the same time. You must know how to adjust the pressure brought by life and work. Only by keeping your body and mind relaxed and your emotions well-regulated can you increase your chances of conception.

4. The experience of taking care of the first baby

In real life, many couples may feel repulsive to their first baby after giving birth to a second child. Therefore, it is necessary to do relevant psychological construction in advance. provides popular science knowledge to the first baby. Let him accept the arrival of his younger brother and sister.

Of course, after giving birth to the second child, you cannot ignore the feelings of the first child. You must also give care to the baby to prevent the baby from feeling that all his care has been transferred to another person, causing mental health problems. #媯 Zero Zero Plan#