When preparing to name the newborn baby, the custom in Nepal is that the baby can be named after 10 days after birth. Before naming the baby, the uncle and the mother-in-law are not allowed to eat that day. Only after the name-maker gives the baby a name can they start eating tha

is preparing to name the newborn baby. The custom in Nepal is that the baby can be named after 10 days after birth. The Nepali uncle wanted DaTao to give the baby a Chinese name. Before naming the baby, the uncle and the mother-in-law are not allowed to eat that day. Only after the name-maker gives the baby a name can they start eating that day. Nepal is a Buddhist country, and its customs and habits are quite different from those in China.

Migna is holding her sister, and Uncle Nepal is holding little Amy. Amy kissed her aunt. Migna kissed Amy mouth-to-mouth again. Is it really okay to kiss like this? Adults have good resistance to many germs and can resist them with no problem, but children have poor resistance. If they are infected, they will be "oh no".

Amy was jealous again, crying so much that snot and bubbles came out of her nose. She may feel that she has fallen out of favor in the family and is no longer the only one.

Uncle went to Mr. Name's place and took Amy out to play. Now that he could go out and ride a motorcycle, Amy was happy and smiled.