Today, I saw a news on the Internet that the kindergarten did not allow children to go to the toilet. As a result, the sick parents went to the kindergarten to cause trouble. Later, a notice was issued saying that all care was taken as normal and that no children were allowed to

Today, I saw a news on the Internet that the kindergarten did not allow children to use the toilet. As a result, the sick parents went to the kindergarten to cause trouble. Later, a notice was issued saying that all care was taken as normal and that no children were allowed to go to the toilet. In fact, sometimes children not pooping in kindergarten is not entirely because of the teacher, nor is it a phenomenon only for younger children. When my daughter entered the parent-teacher conference, the teacher still mentioned this point. Now that the kindergarten admission season is approaching, I think there are two things parents must know:

1. Carry out psychological construction in advance. Every September when school starts, you can see babies crying at the entrance of the kindergarten and unable to go in. At this time, the parents felt distressed and the teachers also had a headache. I started buying various picture books about kindergarten for her a year in advance. Over the course of a year, I repeatedly deepened the various imprints of "kindergarten" and let her know that going to kindergarten means being with children during the day and that her parents will take care of her at night. Taking her home does not mean that she is no longer wanted. It can help the child feel less anxious and panicked when separated, and it can also help the child learn some small ways to deal with problems independently. My daughter didn’t cry a day when she entered kindergarten, which is much better than me, a mother who was always anxious before the start of school!

2. Teach children to be independent. Especially for children in public kindergartens, it is understandable that there are only 2 or 3 teachers in a class of 30 or so children who cannot take care of every child. She can learn things like eating, dressing, and going to the toilet by herself. Of course, sometimes she still needs help from the teacher, so she must be able to express herself and let the teacher know her needs. I will tell her the help she must seek from the teacher in the morning. For example: There are buttons on the back of today's clothes. Please ask the teacher for help when you take off your clothes for nap. If you are still worried, you can practice how to say it at home, so that when something happens, it will go smoothly every time, and you will not be afraid to talk to the teacher as time goes by.

3. Help children identify the teacher’s instructions. For example, this hotly discussed toilet issue is sometimes caused by children misunderstanding the teacher's meaning or having concerns of their own. I remember this happened once when my daughter was in elementary school. At noon, she received a call from the teacher saying that she peed her pants and asked me to take her home. On the way there, I felt strange. This has never happened before in the three years of kindergarten! Only after receiving a question did I find out that the teacher asked during the break, "Who wants to go to the toilet? And said that you can't go there after class." She didn't go after class because she was playful, but she wanted to go to the bathroom halfway through the class. Then I held it in until I peed my pants.

Many children take what the teacher says as if it is an imperial edict, but sometimes their understanding is not accurate. Or you don’t dare because you think the teacher might criticize you. At this time, parents need more observation, help and guidance. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message to discuss parenting strategies~~~

#kindergarten# #0-6 years old parenting experience# #Beijing#