Mothers all know that a child’s immunity needs to be well-established from an early age. From the first sip of breast milk at birth to the choice of milk powder after weaning, every step is crucial. In fact, it is not difficult to improve your child's immunity. In layman's terms,

All mothers know that a child’s immunity needs to be well-established from an early age. From the first sip of breast milk he drinks at birth to the choice of milk powder after weaning, every step is crucial. In fact, it is not difficult to improve your child's immunity. In layman's terms, just choose the "ration" and give your child formula milk powder that is close to breast milk.

I just chose Aptamic for my child, so that he can have better self-protection from the starting line, grow up one step faster, and I can rest assured no matter what he does.

Speaking of AitaMedrol, it is the creator of the gold standard of milk powder and a well-known brand that has focused on breast milk research for nearly 50 years. AitaMedrol advocates "giving babies pioneer self-protection and allowing babies to explore every step of their lives freely." moment". In terms of formula, Aptametra highly restores the three key nutrients in breast milk: , lactose, , milk fat and breast milk oligosaccharides. These ingredients can effectively improve children's self-protection.

It is particularly worth mentioning that Aitametezhuo contains molecular-level NuMMOs oligosaccharide nutritional ingredients. This is a molecular-level prebiotic combination. Its content is sufficient to reach 8g/L, which is far higher than similar products. Competing products are also closer to breast milk than similar competing products. Molecular-level NuMMOs simulate breast milk oligosaccharides, containing more than one hundred structures of breast milk oligosaccharides, and can scientifically simulate the content, composition, proportion, structure and efficacy of breast milk's oligosaccharides . It can help the baby balance intestinal flora by promoting beneficial bacteria and inhibiting harmful bacteria, better protecting the baby's intestinal health and improving intestinal immunity; at the same time, molecular-level NuMMOs simulate breast milk oligosaccharides. It can promote the release of self-protection factors in the baby's body, help the baby resist external bacterial and viral infections, and allow the baby to play as much as he wants.

Also, the content of natural butterfat in Aitamedo is quite high. More than 50% of the natural butterfat is different from the chemically synthesized OPO. Because it is physically extracted from milk, the natural butterfat is more easily absorbed by the baby. . It also contains SN-2 rare structural lipids that are consistent with breast milk, which can help improve the baby's absorption of nutrients such as calcium and fat, and provide energy for the baby's growth and development. It is a formula currently on the market that is closer to breast milk. It can also reduce calcium soap The formation of oligosaccharides softens the stool and makes the baby's intestines comfortable. Together with NuMMOs simulated breast milk oligosaccharides, it helps the baby's immune system develop in a better direction.

Aptametra contains 0.38% of high-quality DHA in its entirety. This proportion reaches the high standards of and EU and is relatively leading among similar products. It is not only crucial to the baby's vision and brain development, but also It can work together with simulated breast milk oligosaccharides to reduce upper respiratory tract infections in babies. This is really important for babies in this season.

If you choose AitaMeizhuocui and adhere to pioneering parenting, your baby will grow up healthily and be unafraid of future exploration, and you will be able to achieve every moment of their exploration.