In a group of more than 100 pregnant mothers, there are no less than 10 known underage pregnant mothers! As an older married young woman, I accidentally joined a group of pregnant mothers. After several rounds of chats, I found that at the age of 30, I could be considered an aunt

In a group of more than 100 pregnant mothers, there are no less than 10 known underage pregnant mothers!

As an older married young woman, I accidentally joined a group of pregnant mothers. After several rounds of chatting, I found that at the age of 30, I could be considered an aunt among them.

In today's society, there are many people who are not married at the age of 30. Who would have thought that there are so many people who get married and have children under age!

Some are only fifteen or sixteen years old, some are eighteen or nineteen years old, and their second child is about to be born. Through the screen, I feel that this is a kind of destruction to young girls.

I get along well with a girl. At first, I only knew that she was pregnant out of wedlock. We were exchanging ideas about body shape. After looking at her photos, I discovered that she was actually thinner than me when she was pregnant! ! She said she didn't want to grow taller anymore, and I learned that she was only 16 years old.

I think back to when I was 16 years old and didn’t understand anything. I went to school every day and was worried about having too much homework and not doing well in exams. I had to take the time to buy snacks during the weekends...

I am very curious, 6 years old What are you thinking about a girl who is pregnant and planning to have a baby?

When the girl was very young, her parents divorced. From the age of 8, she lived a life where her father did not love her mother. The custody of the girl belonged to her mother, but her mother had her own life after the divorce. The girl didn't care too much. The girl said that after she met her boyfriend, everything changed. For the first time, she felt cared for and loved.

The girl’s boyfriend is 8 years older than her. In the girl’s words, the boyfriend treats her very well. Although the two of them do not have a good financial foundation, the boyfriend often buys things for her, especially when she is pregnant. After that, whatever the girl wants to eat, her boyfriend will cook it for her when he comes back from work. If he doesn't know how to cook it, he will find a way to buy it for the girl even if he can buy it far away.

Logically speaking, if you are pregnant before you are a minor, for the sake of the girl's future, your parents may consider whether to let the girl give birth to a child. But the girl's father has not been in contact with the girl for many years. The girl's mother thinks it is good to have someone to take care of the girl, and is happy to see the matter between the girl and her boyfriend work out.

What troubles the girl is that her mother hopes that the man’s family can provide a gift of 30,000 yuan. Although the money is not much, the girl does not want her boyfriend to provide this money, which makes her feel that her mother is selling her daughter.

It was inconvenient for the girl to be pregnant, so her boyfriend asked his mother to come all the way from her hometown to take care of her. Just like that, the rented apartment at the beginning was too small, and they were ready to move. Before

moved, everyone was advising her to be careful not to bump into each other. Because she didn’t have many pregnancy reactions, the girl didn’t think of herself as a pregnant woman. When moving, she climbed stairs and moved things. The girl said that her boyfriend and his mother were both moving, and she was embarrassed to watch. .

That night, the girl had a stomachache and the family went to the hospital.

The next morning, I asked the girl how things were going.

"The child was not saved." I could feel that the girl was very depressed. The doctor had done their best. At least the girl's body had not affected her fertility due to this injury.

Later, the girl left the group, and we don’t know what happened to her and her boyfriend.

I just feel sad. From a certain perspective, if a girl does not give birth to a child, her life will have one more possibility.

As we all know, China’s legal age for marriage is relatively late in the world. In many countries, people in their teens can get married. There is a variety show in South Korea called "Parents of High School Students That Adults Don't Understand". Among them, there is an 18-year-old single mother who was forced to separate from her child because of domestic violence by her ex-boyfriend; there is a young couple who has two sons, the eldest of whom has a rare cancer called "rhabdomyosarcoma" and has been working hard; there is a flight attendant who gave up her life for her children. The dreams of 20-generation mothers who became mothers early; the maknae mothers who gave birth to their children alone behind the back of the family...

Without exception, they were not prepared to become parents when they were still children, and their lives were difficult. Gotta be a mess.

Facts tell us that it is not a wise choice for minors to get married and have children.

Among them, in addition to parents' laissez-faire, this situation is also partly due to the lack of sex education .

How many people learn their sex education knowledge by themselves? The school teacher took out the book and said, read it for yourselves; parents are "ashamed" to provide sex education to their children, and children can only obtain relevant knowledge through other channels, which inevitably leads to the loss of sex knowledge. Insufficient, eventually giving rise to more and more "parents of high school students" and "parents of teenagers".

What is hilarious is that there are many married couples who have very little knowledge about sex.

Once, a female friend told me proudly that they had never used condoms before, and this in vitro method had never failed. I could only suggest that she go to the obstetrics and gynecology department to learn relevant knowledge.

The World Health Organization estimated in 2007 that a total of 2.5 million girls aged 15-19 in developing countries had experienced abortion, and most of these abortions were unsafe. Globally, 11% of newborns are born to mothers who are underage, and these women have higher maternal mortality rates than older women.

1. Gender education should start in early childhood

When the child reaches one year old, parents must subtly instill "male and female" gender issues in the child, and let the child know self-protection in a timely manner, so that the child will no longer give in casually Others touch their own bodies; especially for girls, mothers should teach their children from an early age which parts of the body should not be touched by others, especially by men.

2. Instill sexual knowledge into children starting from primary school

Affected by the continuous popularity of electronic products, many children will already use adult mobile phones or home notebooks, computers and other products to browse the web, play games, and watch videos. , which gives a lot of "sexual" videos and content an opportunity to take advantage of.

Parents can start to instill in their children the issue of "sex" when they enter the third grade of elementary school. At the same time, parents should also take safety precautions when watching videos or online information for their children. They need to strictly screen their children's healthy content to prevent their children from being influenced and induced by some bad information, which may lead to unhealthy psychology.

3. Let children know what "sex" is

When children are young, they are purely curious about "sex". By the time they reach junior high school, they already have more understanding and desire for "sex". Parents must teach them Children learn to control and let them understand that it is normal to have "sexual" desires when they grow up to a certain age, but it does not mean that you can do whatever you want.

How to transfer this knowledge to children? Mothers can tell their daughters, and fathers can tell their sons. Don’t think this is embarrassing. Through parent-child communication, you can better bring correct knowledge to your children and establish correct attitudes. Outlook on life.

4. Schools should also strengthen education in this area.

School teachers can use the biology course to explain clearly to children why there is a problem of "sexuality" between boys and girls; at the same time, although premature "Sex" occurs, but how to prevent pregnancy and the consequences of unsafe "sex" are also knowledge points that adolescent children should understand.

It can be seen that sex education requires the attention of both schools and parents, and it is also a course that should be started from childhood.

If young men and women treat "sex" more rationally and responsibly, it will be helpful to their sexual relations and life development.