The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and preventing babies from heatstroke has become a priority. Especially some babies have delicate skin and low immunity, so they are easily affected by heat. Today let’s talk about how to prevent and cool down your baby from heatstroke! F

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and heatstroke prevention for babies has become a key point. Especially some babies have delicate skin and low immunity, so they are easily affected by heat. Today let’s talk about how to prevent and cool down your baby from heatstroke!

First of all, drink more water. Babies are naturally active and sweat more than adults. It is easy for babies to neglect drinking water when playing. They must be very thirsty before asking family members for water. But now that the weather is hot, you must urge your baby Drink more water. Remind your baby to drink water in time. Drink water in small amounts and multiple times. Do not drink a lot at one time when you are very thirsty.

Secondly, eat more fruits and vegetables. The baby sweats a lot and consumes a lot of physical energy. In addition to replenishing water in time, he also needs to have necessary nutrients. He has a bad appetite in the summer heat. You can give your child more mung bean soup, winter melon porridge , fresh fruits, vegetables, etc. Foods that can relieve heat and enhance children's appetite.

Third, dress well. Children tend to sweat easily in summer, so you should change their clothes frequently. The clothes should be made of soft cotton and be as loose as possible. You can wear a vest to protect your belly. Some parents are afraid that their children will "catch the cold" and wear socks for their children on hot days. This is unnecessary. You can wear shoes when going to the ground, but there is no need to wear socks all the time when not going to the ground.

Fourth, pay attention to sun protection. Children also need sunscreen, but it does not mean that they must wear sunscreen. Babies under two years old should try not to use sunscreen. They can choose parasols, sun protection clothing , etc., or choose a cool place to play. Time is also important. Try to avoid going out when the sun is too bright. You can choose to go out and play in the morning and evening.

Fifth, appropriate cooling. Some parents are afraid that the air conditioner will damage their children, so they do not turn on the air conditioner when it is hot. This is not advisable. When the weather is hot, they should blow the air conditioner on their children appropriately to make them more comfortable. Of course, it doesn’t mean blowing all the time. At night, you can choose to turn on the air conditioner in the living room and open the bedroom door. You can also choose to turn it on for a while and turn it off regularly. Try to keep the child warm as much as possible. Children can easily get heat rash. You can also bathe your child frequently, but don't bathe immediately after sweating a lot. Wait until the sweat dries before bathing.

The weather is getting hot. Parents must protect their babies from heatstroke and try their best to prevent their children from getting heat rash. I hope every baby will be healthy! Mothers also have more peace of mind.