Activity goals: 1. Be able to use cutting, pasting, drawing, gluing and other methods to represent a snow house in winter. 2. Learn to cooperate with peers and experience the fun of creation. Activity preparation: A variety of production materials, such as cardboard, colored card

activity goals:

1. Be able to use cutting, pasting, drawing, gluing and other methods to represent a snow house in winter.

 2. Learn to cooperate with peers and experience the fun of creation.

Activity preparation:

A variety of production materials, such as cardboard, colored cardboard, foam, pine branches, white cotton, scissors, colored pens, glue, double-sided tape, paper cups

Activity process:

1. Inspire children to talk about winter. The scene after the snow.

 2. The teacher presents the materials and asks the children to tell them what they are used for. It arouses the interest of the children in making things by hand.

 3. Guide children to draw the shape of a small house on cardboard and cut out the shape of the house with cardboard and paste it on the cardboard.

 4. Encourage children to boldly try to use cotton as snowflakes and paste them on the roof. Article. From Teacher Qu’s lesson plan website. Use colored pens to draw the windows of the house and then paste the door and chimney of the house.

 5. Ask children to decorate relevant snow scenes around the house, such as using cotton to make a snowman, or using paper cups and pine branches to make a pine tree.

 6. Organize their own materials and return them to their original places.

 7. Display the works completed by children for children to appreciate and communicate.

activity extension:

Decorate the "Happy Winter" themed environment with the "snow house" you made.

activity reflection:

Children in middle class have mastered some simple paper-cutting, painting, and gluing skills, and can cut relatively smooth straight lines and arcs. At the same time, children in middle class especially like hands-on activities, all of which are good for This event laid the foundation.