Coordinates: Foshan Check-in time: March 2022 Cost: 5W Feeling: Excellent value for money, my wife is happy. My wife and I are both born in the 90s, our first child, my parents are in my hometown, and my parents are very happy after my wife is pregnant, so tell me early I would l

Coordinates: Foshan

Check-in time: March 2022

Fee: 5W

Feeling: Excellent value for money, my wife is happy

My wife and I are both born in the 90s, our first children, and our parents are in our hometown , parents after my wife is pregnant I was so happy that I had promised early that I would come over to help take care of the baby during the confinement period. Afraid that it would be too hard for us, my mother came here when she was more than 5 months pregnant (it was precisely because of this incident that we later booked a confinement center). We both work. My mother said that it’s not good for my wife to eat takeout when she’s pregnant, and it’s not good to eat overnight food, so she gets up around 6 o’clock every morning to make breakfast, stir-fries and cooks rice for us to bring for lunch. The soundproofing of the house is not good, and I heard the sound of various chopping and cooking vegetables early in the morning, which made me completely sleepless. Although my wife didn't say anything, I felt very uncomfortable myself and usually didn't get up until almost 8 o'clock. . . My mother doesn’t use TikTok, but she likes to watch TV. She stays in front of the TV every day to catch up on dramas, and her voice is very loud! As social animals, when we get home from get off work, we just want to lie down, and when we get home, we want to "watch TV with" our mom. . . In order to feel more comfortable, we finally decided to go to the confinement center.

It’s really much more relaxing in the confinement center. You don’t have to take care of the children yourself, and you don’t have to worry about what to eat three, four, five or six times a day. I have never had a child before, so I don’t know how hard it is to take care of a child. It takes more than 2 hours to feed a baby, have to pat the diaphragm, change diapers, wash the butt (if you don’t pay attention, you will be peed on your face and pulled on your hands), and massage. , bask in the sun, coax you to sleep, and also pay attention to observe jaundice . After being in the hospital for three days, I already felt the fear of being dominated by my child! ! ! (One thing to say, mom is really great!)

Being a parent for the first time, I have no experience, so I am cautious about everything I do. I took a few shots every now and then, and I didn’t take a picture for half an hour. The baby was born half a month earlier than the due date. When I saw the baby was a little yellow in the hospital, I was worried about high jaundice, which made me even more anxious than my wife. The confinement center will test for jaundice every morning and evening, and the umbilical cord will be disinfected every day. This is really good and makes people feel reassured.

The confinement center has good food. There are 6 meals a day, including meat, vegetables, soup and fruits, and the menu is different every week. It is much better than cooking at home. The confinement center is relatively close to where I work. I go directly to the confinement center after get off work. I can order takeout for dinner or order family meals in advance, which is convenient.

Play with the children when they are happy, help wash the bottles, chat, and send them to the care in the evening, so that the wife can have a good sleep. Coming here, my mother doesn’t have to get up early or stay up late, and I don’t have to worry about being caught between them. The most important thing is that my wife is happy. Apart from breastfeeding, she can rest peacefully at other times. She can check her mobile phone or do postpartum repairs when she wants, and no one talks about it while she sleeps. As a son, I don’t want my mother to work too hard or worry too much. As a husband, I also want my wife to be happy and my family to be harmonious, so even if it costs a lot of money (my parents and mother-in-law sponsor us), it is worth it if everyone is satisfied.