The kettle is an important carrying tool in summer, but there are many kettle quality problems. Generally, kettles bought for children have issues that need to be paid attention to. The first question is, how much water do children need to drink in summer? The second question is,

The kettle is an important carrying tool in summer, but there are many kettle quality problems. Generally, kettles bought for children have issues that need to be paid attention to.

The first question is, how much water do children need to drink in summer?

The second question is, what kind of kettle does the baby need?

The third question is, how often does the kettle need to be cleaned?

will answer the first question first. How much water do children need to drink in summer?

In summer, children’s water intake will be raised to a new level. If you drink too little, your child will become thirsty. In the process of raising a child, if the child takes the initiative to tell you that he wants to drink water, then the child is not short of water.

Generally, teachers in kindergartens will remind children to drink water once within half an hour. The amount of water consumed at one time is about 50 ml.

Based on this calculation, children must drink at least 400 ml during the day to meet the most basic needs of children. Before the arrival of and weather, that is, during the summer vacation, children can drink more or less water, depending on the amount of exercise. Just come and give it.

What will happen to children who often don’t drink water? The most common parenting problem is dry stool. Even though water is the source of all things, it still needs to be replenished for children.

The second question is, what kind of kettle does a baby need?

For children in kindergarten, the water bottles they bring are all made of plastic, and some are made of stainless steel.

has reported that there are many substandard kettles, which have been reported on TV. Everyone just needs to pay a little attention and don't worry too much.

In fact, it is not recommended that you buy plastic kettles, because if there is an odor inside, it will not be good. Try to choose one that is more expensive, and it may not have any odor.

If there is no way to judge, try to buy a 304 stainless steel kettle, the price is around ¥200.

Children with slightly better conditions usually buy stainless steel kettles priced at 198 or more than 200. There are also bags that can be lifted, which is very convenient and the children also like it very much.

is to buy a cartoon-like kettle, which will encourage children to take the initiative to drink water. This is also an experience we don't know.

With the kettle our family bought, the children became more active in drinking water, and the amount of water reached the expected standard. They will open it by themselves without being reminded by adults, and tighten it after drinking. This is a very good sharing. I discovered this secret about my children today: they like to drink water.

The third question is, how often should the kettle be cleaned?

For example, the day when Dudu came back from school, I would clean the kettle that night, that is, I would clean it after washing the dishes.

And during the cleaning process, if you rinse it with water, it will have no effect because the residue inside will not come out. Sometimes the straw and other parts of the pot, because you drink water after eating, will have a little oil and need to be cleaned with dish soap. But don’t put too much dishwashing liquid, as it may have side effects.

Then there is a special brush inside the water bottle. Use the special brush to brush it, and then turn it upside down to dry.

The above are some reminders about children's kettles. If you like them, you can adopt them. Remember to like and follow them.