As the temperature rises, parents with young babies are starting to worry. Mother Xiao Li recently had a dispute with her mother-in-law about whether to air-condition the children. The mother-in-law thinks that the child is afraid of the cold when sleeping and cannot use the air

As the temperature rises, parents with young babies are beginning to worry. Mother Xiao Li recently had a dispute with her mother-in-law about whether to air-condition the children. The mother-in-law thinks that the child is afraid of the cold when sleeping and cannot use the air conditioner.

Xiao Li, the mother, felt that her child was like a "little stove". She was sweating profusely within a few minutes of falling asleep and had to turn on the air conditioner.

The reason why Xiao Li insisted on turning on the air conditioner was because she found that her child was too afraid of heat. She usually gives her children a bath before going to bed so that they can fall asleep refreshed. But before the child fell asleep for 20 minutes, a large amount of sweat began to ooze from his head, and soon the blanket was soaked.

The baby who was originally fresh and refreshing soon became "greasy" due to sweat, which made people feel very uncomfortable. It makes parents uncomfortable to watch, and the quality of their children's sleep can be imagined.

For several nights in a row, the baby would wake up in the middle of the night and cry for a long time. For this reason, Xiao Li was also very worried. Because it has just begun summer and the temperature is not very high yet.

For adults, as long as you turn on a fan before going to bed, you can feel cool enough. However, the wind power of the electric fan seems to have no effect on the child. Even if the fan is blowing directly, the baby is still sweating profusely.

Because the child likes to sweat while sleeping, Xiao Li even took the child for a physical examination. Because she always heard from the older generation that children "sweat profusely" as soon as they go to bed, which is related to calcium deficiency. Fortunately, the child's physical examination results were normal.

But seeing their child sweat profusely every night made Xiao Li and her husband feel uncomfortable.

After much thought, Xiao Li decided to turn on the air conditioner and sleep even though the temperature was not very high. After turning on the air conditioner, the child will no longer sweat profusely after falling asleep, and the effect is immediate.

But Xiao Li and her husband were shivering from the cold wind of the air conditioner. The couple even moved out the thick winter quilt and wrapped themselves tightly.

When the temperature rises, many mothers will find that their children sweat very much when they are asleep, and their whole heads are wet. However, compared with their heads, their children's hands and feet feel cool to the touch. This is also where many mothers struggle. Should they turn on the air conditioner for their children? My child sweats profusely as soon as he goes to bed. Is it because of the hot weather or other reasons?

In fact, children tend to sweat when sleeping. In many cases, it is not just because of the hot weather. Children's metabolism is inherently faster than that of adults, so they sweat easily while sleeping.

In addition, children's sweat glands are mainly concentrated on the head, and the child's nerve endings and that regulate body temperature are not fully developed. This is why children sweat profusely on their heads and have cold hands and feet.

If your child is like Xiao Li’s child and starts sweating profusely soon after falling asleep, you should pay attention.

Don’t think that babies sweat profusely while sleeping just because the weather is hot. There are many other reasons that can cause babies to sweat profusely while sleeping.

Parents should pay attention to the following points, so that their children can stay away from the trouble of "profuse sweating" and have a refreshing sleep.

Do children sweat when sleeping? Not just because of the heat, pay attention to these three points, and the child will sleep comfortably until dawn

First, adjust the room temperature to a temperature suitable for the child to sleep.

Due to factors such as fast metabolism, children are indeed more afraid of heat than adults. Therefore, in order to provide a comfortable sleeping environment for children, it is best for parents to adjust the room temperature to a temperature suitable for children to sleep.

So, what is the suitable temperature for children to sleep? When a child sleeps at this temperature, there will be no sweat on the head, and the hands and feet can stay warm.

Some adults like to use their own body sensations to judge their children's body sensations. This approach is actually inappropriate.

Because children are often more afraid of heat than adults, in a room temperature where adults feel comfortable, children may have been sweating.

Therefore, for the sake of children's sleep quality, parents are best to adjust the room temperature to a temperature that is comfortable for their children. Of course, this does not mean that parents should be cold. You can cover yourself with a thick quilt to keep warm like Mr. and Mrs. Li did.

Secondly, prepare suitable bedding and clothing for your child.

When parents take their children to sleep, they are always afraid that their children will catch cold. Therefore, even in the hot summer, some parents dare not let their children wear less clothes or not cover their children with quilts.

Sometimes, children sweat profusely while sleeping because parents do not choose the correct bedding and clothing for their children.

When the temperature rises, parents can put mats on their children's beds, which will help their children sleep.

But when it comes to the choice of mats, it is best for parents to do more homework and try not to choose bamboo mats , etc.

Because the bamboo mat will be very cold after being blown by the air conditioner, it may cause children to catch cold. The popular ice silk mat is a good bedding choice for babies.

In terms of the child's clothing, if parents are afraid that the child will catch cold while kicking the quilt, it is best to buy a sleeping bag of moderate thickness for the child.

Finally, your child’s dinner should not be too late or too full.

Nowadays, living conditions are better, but children will eat too much and consume too many calories accidentally. If the child eats too much for dinner, it will not only make the child gain weight, but also affect the child's sleep quality.

When a child enters a deep sleep state, if the food in his stomach has not been digested, this will cause his stomach to continue to work and generate heat. Children are also more likely to "sweat profusely" while sleeping.

Therefore, if parents want their children to sleep refreshed, they cannot let their children eat too late at night or eat too much.

written at the end

The quality of a child's sleep is very important as it relates to the child's growth and development. Summer is coming, and if parents want their children to have a clean and refreshing sleep, the above three points cannot be ignored.

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