Smile, ten years are less. When you are worried, your head turns white. When parents really need to take action, you will find that teaching your children to do homework is sometimes more difficult than throwing yourself into school and reinventing the wheel! [Shy][Shy][Shy] Such

Smile, ten years are less. When you are worried, your head turns white.

When parents really need to go into battle, you will find that

sometimes teaching your children to do homework is far more difficult than throwing yourself into school

and remaking it all over again! [Shy][Shy][Shy]

Such a joke has become popular recently.

The alarm bell suddenly rang at midnight in a certain community, and the owners were immediately upset.

Later I found out the reason: a mother who owned the building next door was so angry that she fainted while helping her son with his homework. The family was so frightened that they quickly called 120 and called an ambulance.

Isn’t it a bit incredible?

Such a small thing can cause such serious consequences.

That's the truth. Only parents who really accompany their children to do homework every day will have a deep understanding:

An old father holding his heart and earnestly tutoring his son in online classes;

strongly recommends that people with heart disease not do homework. Because doing homework with children is definitely a time-consuming and extremely anxious thing. It is not uncommon for this to cause nervousness in the heart and insufficient blood supply to the brain, causing dizziness and bloating.

Children who are truly self-disciplined and sensible can complete their own tasks.

I also came from that period. Some assignments are really difficult for ordinary people to handle. It may be that the teacher deliberately made them more difficult to test the students' knowledge mastery! I will explain it in detail when I go back to school, so it is unnecessary to worry about it and it will not be of much help to the children's learning. Exceptions are made if the parents have experience in this area.

has the big A and small A roaring style of a mother late at night, which resounds throughout the whole community;

does homework until midnight, making the family uncomfortable, and seriously affects the normal routine of adults and children the next day, endangering their health.

There is also a classic on the Internet where an angry mother and son cry together while tutoring their son on homework...

There are quite a few parents who get angry because they tutor their children on homework. I would like to give you some suggestions.

provides children with a relaxed and quiet working environment. Parents who are always around may only increase the pressure on children and affect their thinking and logical abilities.

reminds children to classify homework, preferably from simple to complex, because dealing with difficult homework in advance will increase the child's mental fatigue and is not conducive to delayed start of subsequent homework.

Pay attention to the balance between work and rest. Don't be too tired. If you have a heavy workload, you should always take a break to relieve brain fatigue. Don't put too much pressure on your children and say negative things that will affect your children's interest in learning.

Every child may encounter problems of one kind or another when doing homework.

teaches them to read questions repeatedly. Maybe they have no ideas just because they don’t understand enough;

find a similar question and analyze it with him to guide the child’s own thinking logic. Don’t directly tell the child the answer for convenience. The thinking process of answering the question is the child’s thinking process. Will grow and think about the gains of progress.

reminds key points. By instructing and guiding children to find the key points of some difficult problems, and then asking children to look for the relationship between conditions in this direction, ideas can be easily opened up.

Homework is the child's own business. We need to provide guidance and support behind the scenes to tell the child that his parents care about him and that it is enough to take adequate rest.

From an early age, we have paid attention to cultivating the habit of independent thinking and problem-solving in children, providing guidance and inspiration, and becoming a cultivated and patient person.
