In the past, people always favored sons over daughters, had several children, and always wanted to have a son. People nowadays say that "the daughter is the lover of the father in the previous life" and they always love their daughters very much. This change seems to have shifted

In the past, people always favored sons over daughters, had several children, and always wanted to have a son. People nowadays say that "the daughter is the lover of the father in the previous life" and they always love their daughters very much. This change seems to have shifted from favoring boys over girls to favoring girls over boys, but in fact, is this really the case?

Some time ago, a piece of news on the Internet caused countless people to point their fingers. From the photos, it looks like a couple in love, with the woman acting coquettishly to the man. However, this set of photos, which are extremely normal for a couple, has attracted countless comments from netizens.

It turns out that the man and woman in the photo are not a couple, but a sweet interaction between father and daughter. In the photo, we see a daughter wearing jk, holding her father's neck and acting coquettishly, hanging her hands and feet on her father, trying to get her father to hug her. During this period, the daughter raised her legs very high so that her father could hold her, and she also tried to clamp her father's waist.

In addition, there are many netizens with sharp eyes. They discovered that before the daughter jumped into his arms, the father first kissed his daughter on the face, and then when he was about to kiss his daughter on the mouth, he noticed the mother taking pictures aside. This They didn't kiss, but the father and daughter's bodies were still close to each other. It's no wonder that this caused heated discussions among netizens.

Many netizens find this way of expressing love unacceptable to their daughter. One netizen expressed his opinion. He believed that a daughter avoids her father and a son avoids his mother. Even relatives should abide by this bottom line. The interaction in the photo has undoubtedly crossed the line.

Many netizens support his view. I believe everyone has heard the saying "the daughter is her father's lover in his previous life", but this statement is very unreasonable. Everyone agreed that a daughter is a daughter, and a lover is like a third party. It is extremely unreasonable to compare one's own daughter to a third party, so everyone thinks the approach in the photo is unreasonable.

At this time, some people can't help but wonder: Is the wife indifferent to this kind of intimacy between her husband and her daughter? Why can she have such a good attitude to upload photos to the Internet?

In fact, in this family, the father and daughter often behave like this. In this wife's view, these intimate behaviors between her husband and their daughter are normal. Therefore, when netizens raised questions, the wife did not respond in any way. She may even think that the netizens made things out of thin air and were meddling in other people's business.

"Fathers can do it, mothers can do it, daughters can do it, but netizens say they can't." This sentence appears in many Internet incidents now, all to ridicule those who stand on the moral high ground and point fingers.

Some netizens also sided with the family. They said that relatives are the closest people in the world, and it is understandable to do some intimate actions, and the children are still young and far from the age to avoid taboos.

At this time, a netizen shared her feelings. She is a mother. She did not expect that being close to her child would lead to such abuse. She said that whenever she saw her child's immature face, she couldn't help but want to kiss her. One mouthful, this is the most expressive gesture of love for a mother. She really can't accept not being able to be close to her child.

After this comment came out, everyone couldn't help but think of their own childhood. Didn't they have been kissed by their parents when they were young? Why didn't we feel any discomfort at that time, nor did we feel it was against morality? Are you being too harsh on the family in the photo?

So let’s look at it from a neutral perspective. Every relative expresses love differently. Some parents like to be warmer to their children. As their children grow up, this love also grows. They want to be more affectionate to their children at any time. You can stay with your children, but you must be careful.

Nowadays, many fathers call their daughters their “lover from the past life” and “little cotton-padded jacket”, and call themselves “daughter slaves”. And these fathers will subconsciously believe that the closer they are to their daughters, the more they behave like "daughter slaves".Fathers themselves are "daughter slaves", but have they ever thought that their daughters may develop an "Electric Father Complex"? This is a serious topic. If the father himself does not have the thought of "avoiding suspicion", he will not Paying attention to this issue will ultimately hurt his own daughter, who will have a deformed mind.

More importantly, the father is a teacher of his daughter. In a sense, the father's attitude towards his daughter will also affect how other people react to his daughter. The daughter may think that others are intimate with her. It's a normal thing. Therefore, only if the father sets an example can his daughter know what "privacy" is, what others cannot do to her, and what others cannot see.

Regardless of father and daughter or mother and child, this awareness of "privacy" should be established when the child is young. The appropriate distance between parents and children will not affect the relationship with their children. On the contrary, it is precisely these distances that , will there be a further relationship. On the way children grow up, they not only have their parents, but also meet all kinds of people. The actions of their parents are the key to their children's understanding of others.