A family has a great influence on the growth of a child, and the family plays a great role in the development of a child's personality and habits. If a child is born into a harmonious and happy family and grows up with the love of his parents, then he will exude a sunny and optim

A family has a great influence on the growth of a child, and the family plays a great role in the development of a child's personality and habits.

If a child is born into a harmonious and happy family and grows up with the love of his parents, then he will exude a sunny and optimistic attitude from the inside out.

If a child is born into a family where parents disagree and quarrel every day, and the child grows up in an unhappy family, he will have character flaws and be more extreme in his actions.

In the movie " Sadness Comes Against the River ", Lu Yao lives with her mother due to her parents' divorce, and her mother either scolds or beats her every day.

Gradually, Lu Yao became sensitive and cautious. People also became inferior to each other, and later, she was bullied on campus.

Psychologist Adler said: " Happy people use their childhood to heal their lives, and unhappy people use their lives to heal their childhood. "

It can be seen how important the family is to the growth of children. The words and deeds of parents directly affect the children's growth. lifetime.

The attitude of parents determines the character of their children.

I have seen a story before.

Psychologist Kovalev spent four years observing two twin sisters. The two girls were very similar in appearance. We went to and from school together from elementary school to college.

But their personalities are different. The elder sister is more sensible, decisive, brave and proactive than the younger sister. Whether speaking or answering questions, the elder sister always answers first, and the younger sister agrees or makes additions. After investigation,

learned that when they were young, their parents treated one of them as an older sister and was responsible for taking good care of the younger sister and performing the tasks assigned by the parents.

Over time, my sister developed an independent, proactive and brave character. The younger sister has developed a character of obedience, obedience and taking orders.

Even if they live in the same family, the children's personalities are completely different because of the different ways their parents treat their children.

In real life, there are many twin sisters like the two. Because the parents have different emotions towards the two children, it will lead to different positioning of the children at home, which in turn affects the personality.

In this world, it is difficult for any parent to truly treat every child fairly. Even twin sisters who grew up together cannot do so.

may provide the same living conditions and care, but there are differences in the heart.

Origin cannot be changed, but life can be changed.

Origin has an undeniable decisive influence on a person's destiny, but destiny is not entirely determined by origin.

is just like Fang Sijin in the TV series " An Jia ". She was born in a poor mountain village and came to Shanghai to work alone. She worked hard so that she would not be bullied and get rid of the oppression of life. Underneath the glamorous appearance, there is much sadness and helplessness hidden.

In life, there are many people like Fang Sijin, who were born in poor families and were treated coldly. Although we cannot choose our origin, we have the right to choose our own life.

First of all, find your position in life, and make yourself an excellent person through study and hard work.

Some people say: "If the heart has no place to rest, it will be a wanderer wherever it goes."

The marriage of parents determines the future of the child.

Zhihu Someone asked on the Internet: "How long will it take for the pain of the original family to be cured?"

A top liker replied: "It probably takes a lifetime."

Facts have proved how important a harmonious atmosphere in a family is to the growth of children. If Children who are born in a happy and harmonious family grow up with the love of their parents, and grow up to be sunny, optimistic and confident.

For children who are born in disharmonious families, their parents quarrel every two days and every three days. When the children grow up, they tend to be impulsive and have extreme personalities.

Su Mingyu in the TV series " is good " was born in a family that favors sons over daughters, with a strong mother and a weak father. My mother loves her two brothers endlessly.

What Su Mingyu received was more of a cold shoulder from her mother. She studied hard and was admitted to Tsinghua University , but she did not receive a trace of care from her mother.

Su Mingyu's native family has influenced her life. She desperately longs to be loved, but she doesn't dare to love. She uses her busy work to forget her inner loneliness.

Because of her original family, she does not believe in love and does not dare to have love.

In reality, there are many people who have the same growth experience as Su Mingyu. It can be seen that the pain caused to children by native families lasts a lifetime and may not be cured well .

A bad family will cause children to feel insecure and even suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety, and social fear.

Parents are like a mirror, their words and deeds are the objects of imitation by their children. Parents' bad habits will also be passed on to their children. When the children grow up, they will also have these bad habits.

Family therapy master Satya believes: " A person is inextricably linked to his family of origin, and this connection may affect his life."

Children are the shadow of their parents, and parents are children. mirror. Children will behave in the same way as their parents.