The parents said that the child was in good health before, but recently he suddenly stopped eating or drinking, and his bowel movements were abnormal. He had almost no bowel movements in the past week, and sometimes retched, and his mental state was getting worse day by day.

A 4-year-old boy came to the outpatient clinic with his sister. The child's mental state was very poor when he entered the consulting room, but the toy "Crystal Clay" in his hand was held tightly.

The parents said that the child was in good health before, but recently he suddenly stopped eating or drinking, and his bowel movements were abnormal. He had almost no bowel movements in the past week, and sometimes retched, and his mental state was getting worse day by day.

I took a look and found that the child's belly was distended, a bit like intestinal obstruction , so I arranged for a nurse to take him for a X-ray.

After a while, the child's mother hurried back with the film:

"The doctor who took the film had a serious expression on his face and asked me to bring it to you quickly. Do you think there will be no big problem with my child?"

I took it The film showed that the child's intestines seemed to be blocked by something. There was gas in the upper half of the intestine, but the lower half of the intestine was empty. Exactly what is blocking it cannot be seen clearly in the film.

Based on the current symptoms and the film, the child should have intestinal obstruction. There are many causes of intestinal obstruction, such as inflammation, tumors, adhesions, volvulus, food obstruction, intussusception, etc.

Malignant intestinal obstruction (MBO) is generally the most common complication in patients with advanced cancer. It is usually intestinal obstruction caused by primary or metastatic malignant tumors. It occurs in 5%-43% of cases. Generally, intestinal obstruction The primary tumors are ovarian cancer (5.5%-51%), colorectal cancer (10%-28%), and gastric cancer (30%-40%).

When I thought of this, I didn't dare to delay and prepared to take my child for further examination myself.

Just as I was writing the checklist, a pungent and strong smell of feces hit my face, , and the child suddenly vomited.

In an instant, the child's clothes and chair were covered with thick liquid feces-like vomit.

Before I could react, the second wave, the third wave... the mothers of the children standing aside were dumbfounded.

Because after the food we usually eat enters the stomach through the esophagus, it will stay in the stomach for 4-6 hours. During this time, the food will be crushed into chyme. The food then enters the small intestine and duodenum where it undergoes the steps of digestion and absorption.

Those food residues that have not been absorbed will be excreted into the large intestine. At first, these substances in the large intestine are in a liquid state. When the large intestine absorbs a large amount of water, some fat, dead bacteria in the large intestine, dead cells shed from the intestine, and food residue will form formed feces.

Imagine the "wonderful" taste of various digestive juices and food fermented in the human body for dozens of days.

In all these years of practicing medicine, this is the first time that I have smelled something worse than feces, and seen a scene that is more disgusting than feces.

Nausea is disgusting. Who makes me a doctor? I can only comfort the children while cleaning up the "mess".

Suddenly, the boy's sister who was sitting and playing also screamed and began to vomit while screaming.

The boy's mother hurried over to clean it up. In a hurry, the child's mother suddenly shouted: "Doctor, come and see!"

I saw the boy's sister vomited two small colorful balls. According to the description of the child's parents, the small balls It was the toy " water baby " that I bought for them to play with last month.

It was only then that the boy told the truth:

A few days ago, he was playing with his sister with this "water baby". The adults were not around at the time, and the sister clamored to eat the water baby, so the brother and sister started Swallowed these water babies. His sister didn't eat much, only two or three pills. As for how many pills he had eaten, he couldn't remember clearly...

Now that the problem has been found, it's time to do the surgery without further delay.Because "Water Baby", as a water-absorbent resin, is a water-soluble polymer compound and has strong water absorption. If it is not removed in time, the may expand after absorbing water in the child's body, or even completely block the intestines. By then, the consequences will be truly irreparable.

Having said this, I remembered the "crystal mud" the boy had in his hand when he first came here. Whether it was a "water baby" or "crystal mud", these were all "high-risk toys". I just couldn't figure it out. Now Why do some parents still buy these for their children to play with?

"Life-threatening" crystal mud

Why is crystal mud said to be "life-threatening"? CCTV has made relevant reports before, reporting that "Almost all "slime" crystal mud on the market contains borax."

We have talked about borax many times. It is a chemical substance and is mainly used in detergents and disinfectants. Production of pesticides. There is now borax in crystal clay toys, and children are easily poisoned.

Because children eat without washing their hands after coming into contact with crystal mud, borax can easily be brought into the body. More importantly, some young children like to bite whatever they catch, which makes it easy for crystal mud to be accidentally eaten.

For children, 5g can be fatal; for infants and young children, 2-3g can be fatal.

In 2018, a pair of siblings in Guangzhou were poisoned by misuse of a cup filled with borax water.

To take a step back, long-term exposure is not good even if you don’t eat it by mistake. Especially when the borax content in crystal mud is too high, is highly corrosive to the skin.

According to British media reports, a local 11-year-old girl suffered third-degree burns on her skin due to long-term exposure to crystal mud containing borax.

magnetic beads

magnetic beads, also called Buck Ball , are not only decompressing but also educational, and are sought after by many parents and children.

But behind the fun lies huge risks. Because of their bright colors, magnetic beads are easily eaten by children. Almost every once in a while, news about accidental ingestion comes out:

What’s more terrible is that this kind of toy is almost It cannot be excreted from the body on its own because it has super strong magnetism. If two or more pills are accidentally eaten, it is very likely that the curved intestines will be tightly sucked together.

Flying Fairy

This toy is very common, but the safety risks are also obvious:

On the one hand, it is easy to hit the baby after falling from high altitude; on the other hand, this kind of plastic blade is very sharp, can even cut open an apple.

Fidget spinner

Another "decompression tool", but let's take a look at how sharp this fidget spinner is!

Just turn it a few times and the egg shell will be broken easily, and the sharpness can be imagined.

Internet celebrity balloon

This mainly refers to the hydrogen balloon. This balloon looks harmless, but why is it dangerous?

That's because hydrogen may explode when encountering Mars, static electricity, or even being exposed to the sun.

The explosion is not the most terrifying thing. What is even more terrifying is that if the melted balloon plastic liquid adheres to the skin or splashes into the eyes, it will cause greater harm.

So how should you choose toys?

The first point is to look for the "3C" mark. After all, this is the mark of national compulsory product certification . With this mark, it is basically safe.

The second point is, try not to choose toys with rough texture and obvious smell.

The third point is that before giving toys to children, it is best for adults to experience them themselves to see if the toys are easy to scratch hands, whether parts will fall off, whether they are offensive and other potential injuries.

Last point, read more about the instructions of the toys. Some toys clearly say "not suitable for children under the age of several years", so it is best not to touch them before that age.