The children are becoming more and more rebellious and difficult to discipline. Below, Jiaozuo's fully closed training camp for rebellious children - Zhengmiao Qide School will briefly talk with you about children's rebelliousness in adolescence. 1. Let the children experience it

Children are becoming more and more rebellious and difficult to discipline. Below Jiaozuo fully closed training camp for rebellious children - Zhengmiao Qide School will briefly talk with you about children's rebelliousness in adolescence.

1. Let the children experience it.

If the child has been disobeying adults, parents can also let the child experience the taste of "receiving the consequences" on the premise of ensuring safety and not causing adverse consequences. Through their own practical experience, children can deeply understand how correct and important their parents' teachings are.

2. Negotiate with children

Don’t always ask children to live according to the wishes of adults. In that case, not only the children will be in pain, but the adults will also be in pain. Children are people too. Of course, they have things they want to do. Therefore, it may be a good idea to negotiate with your child and take a step back. For example, if a child wants to jump off the sofa but the parent has something to consider, they can let the child jump on the bed in the bedroom, or let him wait for a while before jumping, or wait for the parent to finish the task before taking the child to the park to have fun. Jump.

 3. Don’t teach your children when you are angry.

In a state of extreme anger, parents certainly cannot discipline their children in a rational way. Therefore, when parents cannot calm down anyway, it is recommended that parents temporarily leave the scene or divert their attention to other things, such as calling friends to chat or listening to music. Wait until you have calmed down before talking to your child.

 4. Revise expectations for children.

Sometimes parents are too eager for success and often set standards for their children that they cannot achieve. You have to know that it is normal for children to be active, stubborn, and forgetful at a young age. If parents really want to get something from their children, they must also consider their children's growth. Don't always look at your child's performance with a magnifying glass.

 5. Treat children sincerely.

Some parents always like to use an accusatory or commanding tone when communicating with their children, which is often difficult for children to accept. Communication between parents and children should be sincere and without distance. Parents can honestly explain their worries or emotions to their children and let them know that their behavior makes you sad, worried or scared. As long as your tone is calm and your attitude is sincere, you will find that children are actually very willing to understand their parents!

Zhengmiao Qide Youth Special Training School is a formal education school for troubled youths jointly approved and supervised by the Education Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau and other government departments at all levels. The school is privately funded and is a school specially entrusted by parents and the government to address the bad behavioral habits and psychological problems that occur in the growth process of teenagers aged 12 to 18, such as: rebellious character, running away from home, communication difficulties, and withdrawn personality. It is a growth education school that provides psychological counseling, ideological education, behavior modification, quality cultivation and cultural class guidance for problems such as low self-esteem autism , tiredness of studying and skipping classes, love of playing games, early love, etc.