Children's Squishy Toys Important: If you sell products on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies that apply to those products and product listings. Children's squishy toys Children's squishy toys are toys made of special soft foam tha

Squishy Toys for Kids

Important: If you sell products in the Amazon marketplace, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies that apply to those products and product listings.

Children's squishy toys

Children's squishy toys are toys made of special soft foam that will slowly return to their original shape after being squeezed. Children's squishy toys can be made in a variety of shapes and sizes, such as (but not limited to) animals and food. Some items may be scented to match the image of the toy.

Quality Testing, specializing in providing Amazon compliance testing services (for details, contact Li Gong of the Quality Testing Department)

Who should submit relevant documents?

If you are selling children's squishy toys, we may ask you to provide relevant documents to confirm the safety of the product. For each product type you apply to sell, Amazon requires you to provide documentation proving that it meets standards or regulations through testing.

How to apply for approval to sell children's squishy toys?

Amazon policy requires that children's squishy toys sold through the Amazon website must meet certain certification standards. If Amazon contacts you, please submit the following information to

Company name

Seller/Supplier number

Email address

Phone number

List of ASINs you are applying to sell

Product images and manuals (if applicable) (images should contain all relevant safety information, compliance markings and product information)

The Children's Product Certificate (CPC) of the ASIN you are applying for sale

A test report issued by a CPSC-accredited laboratory confirms that each product has been tested and meets the following requirements:

Commodity regulations/standard requirements

Children's wet and soft toys ASTM F963 -17 (Toys), CPSIA (Lead, Phthalates ), and Small Parts Warning *

* Note: Small Parts Warning should be displayed as a CPSIA attribute on the details page. Please see the related help page

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) provides guidance to businesses on how to comply with these requirements.

A list of CPSC accepted laboratories is available here. Some labs have special rates for Amazon items. Click here for a list of compliance solution providers.

Note: Please ensure that all materials you submit are true and accurate. If you don't meet these requirements, Amazon may revoke your selling privileges.

Note: The inspection report must contain a picture of the inspected product, and the picture should be sufficient to prove that the inspected product is the same as the product published on the detail page.
