When children tell us that they have conflicts with friends or classmates, how should we deal with it? This is a problem that troubles many parents. After all, children's conflicts are basically because of some very small things.

When a child tells us that he or she has a conflict with a friend or classmate, how should we deal with it?

This is a problem that troubles many parents. After all, conflicts among children are basically caused by small things.

Usually when we look at it from the perspective of adults, we feel it is not worth mentioning, but children get into conflicts because of these little things.

At this time, parents and friends must put themselves in someone else’s shoes, and don’t just think about children’s problems in an adult way.

When a child has a conflict with a friend, the first thing we have to do is to calm the child's emotions.

After the child's mood has stabilized, we will ask the child the ins and outs of the matter.

Otherwise, the children's expressive ability will be relatively weak, and it will be more difficult to explain clearly what happened when they are emotionally excited.

After the child has calmed down and explained to us clearly what happened, we will play our role.

Guide children to think about why they have conflicts with their friends? What is the reason for the conflict? Whose fault do you think it is?

Under normal circumstances, the child's emotions will stabilize at this time.

We only need to guide the children to resolve conflicts by themselves. Parents should not interfere in the problems between children at will, otherwise it is very likely that the complex will be simplified.

Children's Book Aunt has brought you 3 picture books that can help children understand the value of friendship. I hope that every child can learn to cherish their friends.

"A Cloud Every Day"

Author: [Holland] Mark van der Herint

On this day, Hector and Albert were very leisurely, but Fiona was a little anxious. She has done a lot of interesting things, but she is still unhappy. What should she do?

Hector and Albert had just finished breakfast. Hector was tidying the table and Albert was sweeping the floor.

Albert scanned and found a letter on the ground. They had not received a letter for a long time.

They opened it and looked at it excitedly. It turned out that the letter was from Fiona, and she was here to invite the two of them to be guests.

Hector had to clear the table before he could go, so Albert picked up his satchel and set off first.

After a while, Albert came to Fiona's house. Can they cure Fiona's unhappiness? We together look!

"Looking for Meatball"

Author: [Japanese] Kumiko Yamamoto

Xiaozun has a pet friend, Meatball, and their relationship has been very good until one day...

Xiaozun's cosmos was damaged by someone unknown, and he thought it was Meatball. .

Xiaozun was very angry and got angry and scolded Wanzi. Maruko was very sad and ran away from home.

In order to find Wanzi, Xiaozun braved the rain to search for every place Wanzi might go.

Finally, when he passed the overpass, he heard the whining of a dog below. But unfortunately, this is not a meatball.

So did Xiaozun find the meatball later? Can their friendship ever be restored? We together look!

" I have friendship to rent "

Author: [Chinese] Fang Suzhen

Nowadays, many families have only one baby. Many children are more self-centered and do not know how to make new friends, and are unwilling to make new friends. .

And the same goes for the protagonist gorilla in our picture book. He doesn't know how to make friends.

So he came up with a way, he wanted to "rent friendship".

In this way, not only will you have friends to play with, but you will also make money, killing two birds with one stone.

Kids, do you think it’s okay for gorillas to make friends like this?

What kind of adventures did he have in the process of making friends? Let’s take a look in the picture book together!

Children will inevitably get along with some new friends as they grow up, and some small disputes and frictions will inevitably occur during the process.

We need to establish a correct view of friendship and cultivate children's social skills during their early childhood.

helps babies learn to correctly handle relationships with friends and learn how to get along with peers.

This not only helps children grow up happily in collective life, but also allows children to learn how to use love and tolerance to resolve communication problems in life.