#中文字幕国产education# It is said that parents’ love for their children is the most selfless: they do not ask for anything in return, but devote themselves wholeheartedly to their children. But, do parents really love without asking for anything in return? Yes, our parents like to say

Hope your child will succeed, which has caused harm for thousands of years.

Hope your son will succeed, has been passed down as a wise saying for thousands of years, and has become the belief of countless parents around the world.

I don’t quite understand the thoughts of those born in the 1960s and 1970s, but for those born in the 1980s and 1990s, I believe many people are like me. is very disgusted with, and even resists, "hoping for a child to succeed", but it is like a huge stone weighing on the heart, extremely heavy .

This is the ardent hope of our parents for us. We love our parents deeply and long for their love. How dare we disappoint them?

has become the best tool for parents in the world to cover up their lies.

I just hope that my children can become talents without asking for anything in return.

It's just that as parents, you don't know that it is this concept that makes you treat your children as investments.

We have invested so much time, energy, material, emotion, education... just to make you become a talent!

Therefore, if the child does not become talented, or cannot meet the expectations of the parents, the parents will be disappointed with the children, and this disappointment will be transmitted to the children along with their emotions. When the children feel the disappointment of their parents, they will Lost, hurt.

I know many friends who are already parents, and I feel very deeply about this change!

When a new life appears, especially their first child, with great joy and happiness, they will have a strong thought - As long as this child can grow up happy, happy and healthy.

As children grow up, they will have more and more requirements and expectations for their children.

Why did this change occur?

The moment your child is born, you are in a state of great happiness and joy, so the thoughts that pop up at you at this time are the most original, simple, innocent, and beautiful.

As long as you are happy, happy and healthy, this is the most selfless love of parents.

Parents' love is the most selfless in the world, and it begins to show from this time on. Why did

undergo such a change?

Because as children grow up slowly, parents need to invest more and more time, energy, and materials. In addition, under the influence of the concept of hoping that their children will become successful, they consciously or unconsciously regard their children as investments and accessories.

When I was in college, my ex and I had two cute little hamsters together.

Little hamsters are very cute, silly, and very endearing. I believe that many girls have wanted to raise one at one time or another.

especially remembers that when we first brought the two little guys back from the pet market, the two of us were terrified, fearing that the two little guys would not adapt to the new environment and be frightened. After

has placed them, I want to listen to the sharing of experience, do not disturb them, and let them slowly adapt to the new environment.

couldn't help but carefully check on the little hamster from time to time.

Set up a new home for the little hamster, decorate a bigger, more beautiful and more fun "new house", buy more delicious rat food...

During that time, we were simply worried about these two little guys.

Name them, teach them to bathe, and teach them to play games.

I hope that when they hear us calling its name, they will fly towards us; I hope that they can respond according to our actions...

Slowly, we expect to get a greater response.

Until one day, we discovered that they were actually unable to meet the response we expected.

Slowly, I lost my attention, lost my initial love, and even found them boring.

When I am too lazy to take care of them, I will prepare enough water and food, put them in the corner, and ignore them for a week or even half a month.

Once, I discovered that when the two of them were alone, they were more energetic, energetic, and seemed to be more happy.

Finally, one day, I couldn't help but open the cage and thought, let them have fun in the room freely.

The result is that you will never come back and will never be found again...

Raising hamsters and being a parent are actually the same thing.

It all started out of love, but as time goes by, we begin to have expectations and long for responses to the expectations in our hearts.

Therefore, we will buy hamsters from the market and raise them. The hamsters should respond to us and meet our expectations, without forgetting the love that bought them back in the first place.

As parents, you have also forgotten the simplest and best thoughts for your children - happiness, joy and health.

Instead, you have ardent expectations for your children. When you give, you want to get a response, consciously or unconsciously. Treat your children as your own investment.

Once parents have an investment mentality, the cost of each item for parents will increase, and the higher their expectations for their children will be, and the higher their demands on their children will be.

Why do people nowadays have less and less "heart"?

During this time, public opinion was noisy, and it seemed that netizens across China were in a state of indignation.

Tangshan beating case, Dandong pornographic code incident, young people in Taiyuan, Shanxi assaulting the elderly...

This makes people wonder why people nowadays are becoming more and more inhumane and have no "heart"?

Filial piety comes first. If a person is not even grateful to his parents, do you think this person will lack humanity and "heart"?

Why are people nowadays becoming more and more unfilial?

This is caused by the failure of family education!

A good school can enrich a child's knowledge, but what kind of person a child will become depends on his family education, especially the education from his parents.

Having and raising children with an investment mentality has also caused fundamental mistakes in family education.

Parents’ increasing efforts and higher expectations will distort their children’s psychology and prompt them to change.

For example, the emergence of the gnawing clan means that these children are accustomed to their parents' efforts to them, take them for granted, and are accustomed to relying on them.

For example, when many people grow up, their parents will give birth to and raise them just for them to become parents. The people they fail to become are just for what they can do. The things their parents fail to do are not because of the idea of ​​love. .

If parents have no love for their children, how can their children be grateful and filial?

Stop pretending that our love for our children is selfless dedication, really!

Admit it, from now on, this is a lie.

We can give to our friends, lovers, parents, and even strangers without asking for anything in return, but we are always asking for and expecting something in return from our children.

Treating birth and childbirth as love, in order to experience the joy of accompanying a life to grow, is true selfless dedication.

Returning to our original thoughts - happiness, joy and health - this is the most selfless love for our children.

Only in this way can we know how to truly accompany our children to grow up, know how to give our children love, and return to the path of correct education for our children.

There is so much to say about children’s growth and education

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